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It was getting to that time of year when it was edging toward fall. It was the beginning of October and boy did we have an eventful day ahead of us.

I woke up that morning to babies squawking away in their cribs. I groaned and rolled over in bed. Except that I was already on the edge of the bed. So I landed on the floor with a thump. "Kill me now," I muttered.

"Not today Dad!" Luke said smiling as he stood above me, watching me struggle. No intentions of helping me up or anything.

"What's got you in such a good mood today bud?" I asked from the floor, not quite interested in getting up yet.

"I've got my first hockey game today!" He squealed, crawling on my bed and jumping around. "Oh shit," I whispered to myself. I pulled myself off the floor and hopped around, getting properly dressed before shaking Ariana awake. The sea salty air mixed with the smell of Camp calmed me, reassured me.

I padded over to the cribs next and waved at Bianca who was wide eyed and smiley. She giggled, showing her teeth. I picked her up out of her crib and smelled her diaper. "Ew," I muttered.

"Luke? Change her diaper for me?" I asked hopefully. "Nope!" He called, still jumping. I shook my head and laughed. "Of course."

I quickly changed her diaper and set her down with her morning bottle of milk which she took happily. When I went to check on Ethan he had his hands up in the air so I picked him up and he snuggled right into me, yawning. I handed him his bottle and he drank it sleepily, head on my shoulder.

I walked over to the wardrobe made sure Luke was wearing the right things and that Ariana had her leotard and tutu. Oh that's right, after Luke's hockey game, we have to rush over to Ariana's dance practice. It's her third this week and her recital's coming up in early December.

I picked out some warmer clothes for the twins and then we were on our way. Luke grabbed his hockey bag and headed to the team's locker room as we took a seat in the stands. "Where'd your hat go?" I asked Bianca who's cheeks were rosy and nose is runny. 

"Here you go Dad," Ariana said, handing me the hat off the floor. "Thanks, sweetie."

"It's cold in here," someone complained beside me. I jumped and whirled around to find Will and Nico sitting there. "Hey!" I exclaimed, giving both a hug. "I told you he would hug us," Nico whined. "Oh shut up," Will said, handing Nico a ten dollar bill. I raised an eyebrow. 

"So..." Will attempted to changed the subject. He rubbed his gloved hands together and shrunk into his jacket. His nose was red and his face was a shade paler than usual. "What number is Luke?" "Eight," I said, just as the team skated onto the ice. Luke was at the age where his team wasn't very good and every player played every position. On the bright side, they didn't wipe out as much as the younger team. Now that was some prime entertainment.

"Where's Bee?" I asked, bouncing Ethan on my knee while Nico entertained Bianca. "Um..." Will got a faraway look in his eyes. "Crap. Nico, where's Bee?" Nico rolled his eyes. "She's with Chiron, remember?" "Oh yeah," Will said. "Honestly," Nico shook his head in annoyance. 

"So how's it going with you guys?" I asked. "Pretty good. We're still living at Camp, which has gotten a little old. We are literally renting out a room in the Big House. I'm still working in the infirmary for the time being and this lazy butt is instructing sword fighting."

"Fun fun," I muttered, thinking about how I was also living at Camp. That needed to change soon, but I sure as hell didn't want another apartment. Will got out his phone when Luke got the puck on his stick. He was a natural at skating, faster than most of the kids on the ice. I jumped to my feet as Luke approached the net. And then tripped. But on the bight side, he took the goalie out with him and the puck slip lazily into the goal. 

We were all screaming and cheering. Nico caught Luke's first goal on camera and promised to send it to me. 

Not much happened after that. Our team won and Luke was ecstatic when he got out of the locker room. We bid Nico and Will farewell and went out for ice cream. After that, we dropped Ariana off at her dance practice and went to chill at a park. I'd have to work tomorrow, so I was sure enjoying the day off. A busy day though it may be.

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