Hera's POV(Sixty-One)

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Edited 10/30/18

It was month six of Annabeth's capture and month seven of her pregnancy. It's about the middle of July as I sat watching her from the heavens. Even though she was held in a cell in an underground cavern, I had a good view of her. I can't even remember when I found her.

The monsters had done a decent job of hiding her, but I knew all about being veiled from other gods so it wasn't that hard to locate her. I'm the only one who knows where she is. But still I only watch, taking comfort in the fact that now we're even. She was a brat to me, now I will be a brat to her. But as her pregnancy wore on, and her capture, I started to see her as she really was.

I gave her the blessing about two months ago. She wasn't getting enough nutrients to support the babies and there was no way she could keep them alive by herself. So I gave her my blessing.

Behind a goddess of childbirth, I protected Annabeth and her fetus. No harm could come to her or them in this prison. But that also meant she couldn't deliver them here either. Because of how they were keeping her, I wasn't sure Annabeth could survive delivering a baby, and I don't think the child could survive either.

Percy would just have to find her before that happened. I knew well enough from when I cursed Leto that it was quite painful to prevent birth. But I knew it was necessary for the child's survival.

Annabeth was growing quite ginormous also, she was constantly in pain from the position and weight of the growing child. Most days she just stayed put on the cot, massaging her huge belly.

I'd watched her for months? Until a day in September. It was the 7th I believe. She was due on the 1st, but she'd  begun labor on the 7th. I decided I'd better report her location if Percy were to rescue her before she gave birth. I left to find the demigod with the sounds of her screams bouncing off the walls.

I journeyed across the country all the way back to New York at the pace a mortal might travel. The whole time I did this, I came up with ways to evade the ancient laws. I decided on simply stating the location and leaving.

Perseus was at Camp Half-Blood for the night, anxiously preparing to head out again the next morning. I knew that the demigods were getting stressed out seeing as Annabeth's due date had passed and they still haven't found her. I popped in next to Percy and whispered "San Fransisco," and then disappearing, leaving him to figure it out for himself.

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