Secret Society(Hundred-Seven)

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Milo's POV

I gathered all the kids old enough the day after Ajax was completed. We had lots to discuss. The kids included Luke, me, Ariana, Sammy, Bee, Riley, and Rosalie. Well, we really only invited Riley and Rose(both 6) to make it look like we had enough big kids to be a Secret Society.

"Okay, everyone," I said, calling for quiet(which is a lot harder than it might seem). "We have a lot to discuss today."

So I started to explain what my dad told me about Festus and the quest. I told them about the bunker and the ship and then how Dad said he died to go to mom's island.

Sammy looked thoroughly amazed. "Why do you get to go on cool missions with Dad and get to hear all the cool stories?" He demanded. 

"Cause I'm his favorite," I answered and Sammy pouted.

"Anyway, he also said Riley's parents were there when he died. That Piper charmspeaked Gaea into going back to sleep!"

"Whoa," Ariana whispered, amazed.

"And he also mentioned..." I trailed off, squinting at Luke for a moment. "Hey what's our middle name again?" 

"Charles," he answered, a bit confused.

"My dad mentioned someone named Charles when he was talking about Festus. And he said your dad's name too, so I bet there's some sort of connection. And I know your baby sister was named after Bee's auntie. I bet you're all named after someone who died. Probably from the war. That's you're guys's mission. Find out about your names."

Luke and Ariana nodded seriously. 

"Any other news?" I asked. 

Everyone shrugged.

"Well that concludes today's meeting then. Luke. Ariana. Don't forget your mission. And make sure you find out about the twins too. And be sneaky. We don't need our parents knowing we're onto them."

We all nodded conspiratorially. The meeting was adjourned.

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