First Day(Seventy-Four)

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Edited 11/14/18

I called Mr. Lars earlier this morning informing him that I would be coming in for work. I was bringing the kids today because Mr. Lars hasn't seen Luke and Ariana for about two years, and he's never met the twins.

It'll be my first day back in almost a year and I'll admit I'm kind of nervous. No doubt Emma hates me more than usual because I didn't get fired and she didn't get my spot.

I examined my wrists, newly tattooed last week. I added Bianca Zoë under Ariana's name and Ethan Iapetus under Luke's name.

I loaded the kids into the car and drove off to the Aquatic Center where I worked for years.

When we pulled in, I grabbed the stroller from the back and unfolded it, setting the twins' car seats in place. I made sure I grabbed my backpack(diaper bag) and that Luke and Ariana had their activity backpacks.

I took a deep breath and pushed the stroller through the doors. Jaclyn, a girl in her early twenties who started working here about two years ago, perked up when she saw me. "Percy! Hi! Oh my god look at these cuties! Mr. Lars is waiting for you in his office."

I waved at her and steered towards his office. Mr. Lars opened the door and his face lit up. "Jackson! I haven't seen you in so long! How are you doing? Here, come in."

Mr. Lars gave me a hug and then squatted so he could see Luke and Ari better. "My, you kids have grown up so much since I've seen you last. And the twins," he said, getting up to peek at them in the stroller.

"They are the cutest things." I noticed Emma enter the room looking grouchy, but her face softened upon seeing the kids.

The rest of the day was spent showing the kids around the center. They loved the whole thing. Luke's favorite was the shark tank. He about flipped out when I told him I get to swim with them sometimes.

Ariana could've spent hours watching the sea horses if I'd let her. Mr. Lars and I talked it out and we agreed that I would come into work twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, during which time I'd leave the kids(Luke excluded because he has to go to school) at camp.

All in all, it was a good day.

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