
359 11 2

Edited 11/14/18

The day is March 2nd. Luke, Ariana, Bianca, and Ethan and I moved back into the apartment after Christmas. Mom stayed with us the first week, and it was pretty hard on me, but eventually we made it work. I've been sleeping on the couch. I get horrible nightmares whenever I attempt to sleep in our bed.

I got a phone call at around 2:00 in the morning. I groggily sat up and answered it. It was Jason.

"There's a camper on his way to drop Riley off at your place. Piper's going into labor! Wait, I totally forgot to ask, can you watch Riley? Please?"

"Of course, man. I'll wait for him in the lobby."

Before I left, I checked on the kids. All four of them were sleeping soundly, which is about as rare as a cow in New York City(awesome simile I know).

I pulled on a sweatshirt, not bothering to change out of my flannel pajama pants, and took the elevator down to the lobby. I think I fell asleep for about five minutes before I was being shaken awake. "Excuse me, sir."

I opened my eyes and a camper, about fifteen years old, accompanied by a girl who I think is the Aphrodite head counselor if I can remember correctly. The first camper had Riley in his arms who was sleeping soundly.

"Are you..." he whispered, looking around, "Are you really Percy Jackson?" He sounded so amazed that I started to get embarrassed by the pajamas I had on. His partner rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I am," I answered, taking Riley from him, who didn't even stir. "Wow thats...that's amazing. I never thought I'd actually get to meet you."

I smiled sheepishly, "I'm at Camp, like, all the time."

"I've been going to Camp Jupiter until February. You're a legend man, I'm so happy I finally got to meet you. My friends are going to freak out when I tell them."

"Well thanks for bringing this guy," I said, gesturing to Riley. I really wanted to tell him I wasn't such a big deal. I was nothing to get excited about, not someone super exciting to meet. All those years ago, all the things I did, I was just a kid trying to survive. That's all there is to it.

But I didn't want to burst his bubble either. I know Chiron preaches about us 'old timers' at Camp. So I just smiled and told him it was nice to meet the two of them and then they left.

I carried Riley back up to the apartment and laid him down in the master bedroom. Hopefully the kids wouldn't wake up until actual daylight morning.

I soon fell back asleep. At around 7:30am I got another call from Jason. I answered it on the second ring.

"SHE'S HERE! THE BABY'S HERE!" He screamed. I jumped off the couch. "Oh my gods! She?"

"Yeah its a girl. She's the cutest thing though oh my gods!"

"How's Piper doing? What's the baby's name?" I asked.

"Oh Piper's doing great! The baby's name is Malia Dove Grace."

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