Christmas Day(Thirty-Six)

498 13 4

Edited 9/3/18

This year for Christmas, we all decided to spend it at Camp Half-Blood together. We were all gathered in the Poseidon cabin on Christmas morning around the tree exchanging gifts. The three years old Luke and Milo absolutely loved the gift part.

Annabeth got me a keyboard, which is an interesting choice, but she also demanded I learn to play the piano.

Luke and Milo each got lots of toys and clothes and we exchanged gifts between the adults when it got to the really exciting part. We were going to be revealing baby genders.

Will was in charge of the reveal this time and he organized a way that the big brothers could do it. So first he handed Luke a package and inside would be either a blue or pink onesie.

Luke ripped open the package and pulled out...a pink onesie!!!!! We're having a baby girl!!!!! Annabeth started crying on the spot. I palmed the tears out of my own eyes and smiled so widely my face hurt. I scooped up Luke and we gave Annabeth a group hug.

Will handed the other package to Milo who wrestled with the wrapping paper for a few minutes before actually getting it open. He pulled out a blue onesie and Leo's eyes started steaming. Literally. I guess he was too excited and overheated to cry properly. Lots of blue cookies and milk and presents later, we finally decided it was time to go our separate ways.

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