
437 10 1

Edited 9/3/18

Luke's summer sport is Baseball. He loves it and we watch all the Yankees games on our TV and we've been trying to get to a game, but it just never works out. But it just so happens that the NY Yankees are playing the LA Dodgers in California, so we are going to the game with Jason, Piper, and Riley.

It's early August and Luke is six, Ariana two, and Riley one. It was the perfect temperature. Warm and kinda cloudy, with a nice cool breeze. Piper and Jason went to go get drinks for everyone after asking what Annabeth and I wanted. Annabeth asked for a margarita and I just got a raspberry lemonade with alcohol. I don't drink beer at all because reasons.

We entertained all three children and watched the game until they got back. The game was close the entire time, and an exciting one to watch.

At the end though, the Dodgers pulled through and won. We grabbed our things and Annabeth held Luke's hand while I scooped Ariana up and sat her on my hip. Jason hoisted Riley up to sit on his shoulders, while holding Piper's hand, and we headed out to the parking ramp.

We said our goodbyes and drove to Camp Jupiter, stopping by to see Hazel and Frank and their six month old Emily.

Then we crossed back into Yankee territory and drove back home to our apartment.

I wrote this while at the Minnesota Twins baseball game so I guess the game inspired me cuz I needed a filler chapter anyway.

Remember to vote and comment and have a wonderful day! Love you demigods:)

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