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Edited 8/6/18

I have to admit, I really enjoyed our trip to Greece. It went a lot better then I had expected. Also considering my wife is pregnant, I'm in a pretty good mood.

It's day three of the cruise and we are actually just about to New York. If you look closely, you can see Manhattan Island from here. I hugged Annabeth from behind, burying my face in her hair.

"Almost home," I whispered.

We have decided to stop at Camp first and see everyone and then go to our apartment and stay there as long as we possibly could. But then again, we both have jobs. And I'm not supposed to let her out of my sight. We'll have to work out the details later.

The boat pulled into the harbor and Argus was waiting for us with the van. He kept looking at Annabeth in the rear view mirror the entire way back to camp. I guess we should have made Chiron swear on the Styx to keep a better oath.

When we finally got out of the car, the seven plus Callie were waiting for us at the hill. "So, what was the whole detour about?" Piper asked suspiciously.

"Percy chickened out of the plane ride," Annabeth made up, "there was a lot of turbulence on the plane ride there and we decided that a cruise would be a better end to the trip."

Jason's eyebrows scrunched together. "Bro, you literally texted me as soon as you got to Greece and reassured me that the plane was fine and that there was ZERO turbulence."

"Did I?" I asked, eyes widening. "ANyway," Annabeth interrupted, steering everyone towards camp, "we will be leaving for the apartment shortly so let's make the most of this meal."

They were still looking at us strangely, but they stopped prying.

Sloppy joes were delicious and we had a lot of fun just talking and describing our honeymoon. They were all happy to hear that we didn't run into any trouble.

After that, we bade goodbye and drove over to our apartment. We rode the elevator to the 6th floor, which was also the top floor, and went to our apartment.

Now, let me get this straight. I made sure, when I bought this place, that there was an exit in multiple places so we could get out in case of emergency.

Laying in bed, we tried to sort out the job dilemma. Annabeth and I both wanted to go to work, but I wasn't supposed to let Annabeth out of my sight and I very well couldn't bring her to my job. Plus, we needed the money to help afford stuff for the baby.

Annabeth was very insistent on going to work. "I'm not going to wait around for nine months, Percy. I need to do my part!" She reasoned.

Then an idea came to me. "What if I send a satyr, preferably Grover, with you to the Architectural company as your intern? He could protect you and we could both go to work!"

She thought about my brilliant idea for a few seconds and nodded. "I think that could work."

"Just until the first monster attack. Then you're going on maternity leave and staying at camp," I said sternly. She reluctantly agreed and turned over.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and played with the lace on her shorts. I soon fell asleep.

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