After Christmas(Onety-Threety-Three)

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!Warning! Mature content. Trigger warning.

Percy's POV

I could tell Luke was in a mood from the minute he woke up. Because the washing machine started shaking and spraying water everywhere. It was the day after Christmas, and I don't know what had gotten into him or why he was so crabby, but he just was.

The twins sensed it and made sure to steer clear of him that morning.

His anger didn't explode on me until after supper.

Ariana and the twins were arguing about who's Christmas presents were better, and Luke just sat silently, pushing his food around his plate. I noticed that his depression had been getting steadily worse over the past month and I had a feeling it had to do with Aiden. 

I knew I had to bring it up, but I also knew that would not be a pleasant conversation. 

After supper, I decided I'd better get it over with. 

He was sitting on the couch, moodily scrolling through some social media page when I sat down next to him.

"So I talked to your therapist, Dr. Anderson this morning, and we've agreed--"

"Oh my gods, why can't you mind your own damn business!" He erupted. 

"Excuse me, young man--"

"Well I feel like everyone's in my business and I'm sick of it! I wish you'd all just leave me alone!"

"Luke, we've agreed that your recent behavior is troublesome and that it most likely has something to do with the people you choose to hang out with, and--"

"Are you going to ridicule who I love now too? You know, I bet if I was straight, you wouldn't give a damn about who I date."

"Luke!" I gasped. "How can you even say that?"

He stood from that couch hastily and stormed to the front door, pulling on his shoes. "I'm going to Aiden's. Don't follow me. And don't wait up for me, I'll come home when I'm ready to."

I followed after him, worried. I raised my voice. "Luke Charles, you will not leave this house. You know how I feel about you going over there."

He scoffed, glaring, the door already open. "What are you gonna do, hit me?"

What got me the most was his tone. I stood there, gaping, not able to do a thing as he left, slamming the door behind him.


Luke's POV

I paced around Aiden's living room for a solid half hour while Aiden sat on the couch and watched me. I regretted what I said the second it was out of my mouth, but I knew I couldn't go back. Not yet. Maybe later, after we've both had time to cool down.

Aiden seems to have had enough of my pacing. "Have a drink, Luke. It'll calm your nerves. He fished in his pocket before popping the can of beer open. He handed it to me and I had it down in about four gulps.

Almost instantly the world seemed to blur around the edges. I felt better, careless. Another minute and I was feeling weak in the knees. The beer can slipped from my suddenly numb fingers.

"Whoa," I murmured, feeling like I was going to tip over. Aiden hurried over to catch me and hold me steady.

"Here, let me help you," he said, picking me up and setting me on his bed. It didn't even occur to me that I had to leave now. My mind was a bit too foggy to set off any alarm bells.

He climbed onto the bed and started kissing me. I kissed him back. I didn't really know what was happening, but hey, I'm always up for a make out session. But then he was taking my shirt off.

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