Bad Influence(Onety-Threety-Two)

274 9 3

Luke's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked Aiden. I was sitting on his couch, as per usual, and he had just come into the room. He was blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Haven't you ever vaped before?" He asked.

"," I answered truthfully.

He ruffled my hair. "Ickle innocent baby. Come on, give it a try."

I didn't really want to. But I did.

Aiden smiled in approval and got up from the couch again, dragging me along to the kitchen by my wrist. He grabbed me by my hips and lifted me up, setting me on the counter. He kept his hands there for a minute, gazing into my eyes. I tried to push his hands away, but he wouldn't budge, so I let it be.

He leaned up to kiss me before turning away and heading to the fridge. "Want a beer?" he asked, though he already had two in his hands.

I'd never had alcohol before. I knew how my dad hated it and I'd never thought to question that or drink at parties or anything. But everything Aiden did had a certain appeal.

"But you're eighteen. And I'm sixteen. We shouldn't be drinking."

"Oh come off it. Everyone drinks, it's fine."

I hesitantly took a sip of the can he opened and handed to me. I made a face.

"It's disgusting."

He laughed. "You'll get used to it. It doesn't taste so bad once you drink a little more. I promise."

I was two beers in before Aiden started asking me questions. I don't remember when Aiden hopped up onto the counter beside me, but there he was.

"So what do you like in men?" he asked me. 

"I like Noah," I admitted, then blushed and covered my mouth. "I probably shouldn't have said that."

Aiden smiled and rested his hand on my thigh. "That's okay. What do you like about Noah? I could be more like Noah, if you'd like."

I hummed in response. "He's really pretty. REALLY pretty. His eyes are pretty and his soul is pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty. I like holding his hand. He's super super super super super sweet and he loves me." I frowned. "He loved me."

Aiden nods and takes my hand. I giggle. "Hey, silly, I'm tryin' to drink my beer with that hand! I'm right handed, you know." But he didn't let go, so I grabbed up my drink with my left hand and brought it to my lips, spilling some on my shirt in the process.

"Oh shit," I murmured.

Aiden pulled me over to sit on his lap and I was reminded of Christmas. 

"Oh! I want stuff for Christmas," I informed him.

"What do you want?" Aiden asked.

I thought about it for a minute, getting sad. "I want you to stay for Christmas. Noah never--he didn't stay for Christmas and I wanted him to stay for Christmas, but he didn't stay for Christmas. He had to go home to his mom who's a drunk like me."

"I'll stay for Christmas," Aiden promised. "I'll always stay. I want to stay with you all the time."

I giggled. 

"Speaking of drunks, you want another one?" He'd opened it already, and was pushing it into my hands.

"Oooh thanks," I muttered.

My phone dinged. It was a text from Milo.

Where the hell are you? Everyone's worried. Pls come home

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