I'm Sorry(Onety-Twoty-Eight)

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Luke's POV

It was two months after our anniversary and something was off with Noah. He was being quieter than usual and he seemed to be avoiding me.

I tried to shrug it off, find some logical reason as to why he was upset, but the more I thought about it, the more scared I seemed to get.

School starts next week and today is the last day of Camp and I'm going to be a Junior in high school(11th grade).

After breakfast in the dining pavilion that morning, which I noticed Noah didn't attend. I headed back to the Legacy Cabin go pack my things when I noticed a note on my pillow.

Meet me at the docks

There was a pit forming in my stomach already, but I walked down to the docks and sat next to Noah, our feet dangling in the water, reminiscent of the time we first met.

We sat quietly for awhile, watching the water lap at our feet.

Finally, Noah spoke, staring hard at the water.

"I've been offered a quest," he said.

I said nothing.

Noah turned to face me, sitting criss cross on the dock, grabbing my hands, pleading with his eyes for me to understand.

"My dad's gone missing and my brothers and sister and I have to go on a quest to find him. I don't know how long I'll be gone. We leave tomorrow."

I didn't know how to react. So I didn't.

Noah squeezed my hands. "I'm sorry. I don't have a choice. I wish I could stay here with you. But Chiron says it could be as long as two years."

I nodded numbly.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. But I have to do this. Say something. Please."

I shook my head. I couldn't. I had no words. I started to stand, but Noah caught my hand again.

"Don't wait for me. Move on, get a...get a better boyfriend that won't hurt you like I have. And maybe, if I come back-"

"When," I interrupted.

"If," He said again. "I come back, we can see where we stand then, but for now, I guess this is goodbye."

He quick stood up and kissed me one last time. And then I really did walk away, leaving him standing there.

I walked back to the Cabin 26, where Milo, Sammy, and Paris were all busy packing up their things.

"Hey, Luke," Milo called, upon seeing me enter. "Have you seen my shirt, you know the one with—whoa, Luke, what's up?"

I ignored him and shoved my things into my bag. The room got quiet around me as the three boys watched me.

I left without a word, heading straight for New Rome. When I got to my house, I slammed the door shut behind me. I threw my bag, where it crashed into a flower pot, spilling dirt everywhere.

Dad came into the entrance hall, startled.

"You're not supposed to be back until later."

I ran forward, crushing him in a hug, and started sobbing.

"Whoa hey, what happened?" Dad asked, holding me and rubbing my back, because suddenly I couldn't seem to breathe right.

"Luke?" Ariana called, coming in the door. "Sammy said you—oh." She turned and went right back outside.

Dad kissed me on the forehead and led me to the couch where I cuddled into his side, trying desperately to calm my hiccuping sobs, but there was no use. I couldn't think of Noah without losing it all over again.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because when I woke up, Milo as in my living room, talking to my dad.

He stopped mid sentence when he saw my eyes open.

"Hey man, I heard what happened. I'm really sorry. I brought ice cream?" He said.

I choked on a laugh and sat up, rubbing my eyes, which were no doubt bloodshot from crying.

We headed up to my room, Milo grabbing the ice cream and some spoons. We pulled up Netflix in my laptop and put on a movie, you know, the cliche breakup remedy.

I cried myself to sleep that night, as I would many nights to come.

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