The News(Nineteen)

695 20 18

Edited 8/6/18

So far only Chiron, Grover, Mom, Paul, And Frederick know about the baby, and we figured we should probably tell our friends why Annabeth has to stay at camp for the rest of the nine months she's pregnant.

So we arrived at camp late that afternoon to find Piper and Leo versus Hazel and Jason on the volleyball court. Apparently Frank, Nico, and Will ventured to Olympus to see about putting a portal between the two camps.

We joined in the game, Annabeth on Piper and Leo's team, and I on Hazel and Jason's team. We lost. Bad. Which is strange considering Jason can control the winds. It might have something to do with the flaming volleyball or the orders not to hit it.

Frank, Nico, Will, and Calypso came back twenty minutes later with the news that yes, we were getting a portal installed in two weeks time. By that point, summer would be over and Leo and Calypso would go back to Texas and Frank and Hazel would go back to California. I don't believe Piper and Jason had figured out what they were going to do yet.

Later that day at supper we talked about what had been going on. I felt a little tiny bit guilty about ditching everyone after the wedding, since we all came here to spend the summer together, but they assured us that it was fine.

At the campfire, we decided to tell them the news.

So we sat in our main friend groups and talked and sang along to the songs when finally Annabeth nudged me, signaling it was time.

"So, Annabeth and I have something to tell you guys," I started. They all got quiet, all attention focused on us.

"We're pregnant," Annabeth announced.

Leo chocked on his water. "Wh-what?"

Piper gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh my gods that's awesome! Congratulations!" She hugged Annabeth and then me. Hazel was jumping up and down. Jason and Frank just stared open mouthed. Nico smiled widely and clapped me on the back.

All the commotion caught the attention of the Apollo campers, who stopped singing, and all the other campers, who were looking our way.

Nico looked at us for permission and Annabeth nodded. He practically skipped up to the stage and whispered something in Will's ear. Will looked shocked. "You're kidding right?" He asked.

"What?" The whole camp echoed, clearly anxious to know what all the buzz was about.

Will took the microphone into his hand again and started to say something but paused for affect. "The whole camp groaned.

Will cleared his throat. "According to my trusty source," he started, motioning to Nico, "Jackson baby number one is on the way!"

There was silence for a few seconds and then the fire raged a bright orange. Campers cheered and everything.

I heard Clarisse grumble, "About time."

Annabeth was watching the fire with a smile on her face. I turned her to face me and I gave her a kiss and the camp cheered even louder after that.

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