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Emily's POV (Emily is fifteen years old, two years after her encounter with her first monster. )

I'm not really sure when I started to notice. Whenever I would hang out with Denali, I would get butterflies. I started to notice things I hadn't before. Like how as we get older, she's really getting beautiful. And I think I like my best friend. Like like her. 

I wasn't sure what to make of it, so I talked to my mom about it. After we talked about it for awhile, I felt a lot better, feeling like I'd maybe sorted out my feelings a little better. I decided that even though I really like Denali, I think I like boys too, still. 

Later in the week, I told my parents that I was bisexual. They were fine with it of course, and a few days later I came out to Rosalie who was only a year older than me and who had already come out as ace. 

That summer was tough because I knew that I had a crush on my best friend, but I had no idea if she felt the same way or how she would react if I told her. 

Over summer, I did notice that we were starting to get closer at least. I kept wishing that I could hold her hand without it being awkward. I would study her when I thought she wasn't looking, the rings on her fingers and her short black curls. Her dark skin that was a few shades darker than mine. I could stare into her dark eyes for hours, if I could. 

But I knew I couldn't and it hurt to know that. 

It got so unbearable to be around her by the end of the summer that I finally decided that I had to tell her. 

We were in Camp Jupiter for the day getting ready to play a Camp vs. Camp War Game when I pulled her aside.

"Listen, Del, there's something I've gotta tell you."

Delani cocked her head to the side. "Everything alright?" 

I realized I was still holding her wrist so I let go and crossed my arms self-consciously. "Delani, I...I like you. In the romantic way. And I'm sorry, I know that you don't feel the same way and I've probably just made everything ten times worse and you're not going to want to be my best friend anymore--"

"Em," Delani interrupted. "I like you too."

"--and I'll just go now. I know this is really awkward and I'm really sorry--wait what?"

Delani laughed and blushed. "I said I like you too."

"Really? You do? You're serious? You actually--Mighty Mars, oh my gods, for real?"

"Yes!" Denali said. She tentatively reached out to take my hand. "I'm glad you said something, I was too scared to."

I stared at her hand in mine. "Y-yeah, I'm glad too."

Delani grinned. "I like this, holding your hand."

I was feeling really giddy. "I like it too."

Delani, taller than me, leaned in quickly to kiss my cheek. I blushed deeply. 

"Do you wanna..." I cleared my throat. "Do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?"

Delani smiled brightly. "I would love that Emily." She squeezed my hand tighter before letting go of my hand when the whistle blew signaling that we had five minutes before the Games started. 

"Race you?" Denali called, dashing back to the Field of Mars.

I took off after her, really glad that I had told her how I felt. My heart felt full for once in a way that I didn't know was there. I smiled to myself as Denali beat me to the rest of the campers. We were closer than we were before and I didn't mind it at all.

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