Piper's POV(Hundred-Five)

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Taking place April 2nd(Before Rayne's birth)

Today is a very sad day for our family. We choose between the dates every year. Last year we went on March 29th. This year we're going on April 2nd.

That morning, before I was even fully awake, I could feel the somber feel of the day. Jason and I got the kids up and dressed and we went to spend the day at the cemetery at Camp Half-Blood where there were two graves, one for each of the babies we lost.

With Will's help we were able to find out what the baby's gender would've been and we name them.

We packed a picnic and set out. Camp Half-Blood was just a short walk away, thanks to the portal.

The two graves were side by side, decorated so anyone who saw them would know they were for children. Riley was the first to sit down. Every year he picked out two of his toys to bring, one for each baby, and he left them there for them to 'play'. 

Jason and I never even gave him that idea, he thought it up all by himself.

On the left was Matthew Angel, our first miscarriage. We lost Matthew March 29th.

One the right was Noah Hope. We lost Noah April 2nd.

The four of us sat around, talking to the babies and having a picnic all day until finally we all sat in silence, my head on Jason's shoulder, Riley hugging him from the side and Malia on my lap. And I knew Matthew and Noah were there too.

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