Sky Zone(Seventy-Nine)

406 9 4

Edited 11/14/18

Holy shit! Word count is 2168! That's the longest chapter so far in this book!

We arrived at Sky Zone in Houston in a mere ten minutes, it was just a matter of getting to the portal. It turns out we were the last of the Squad to show up. Nico walked over holding Maria's hand.

"Hey guys!" He said. "Everyone's over here." He led the way to an area with a couple tables reserved for us. In truth, this isn't just a random meet up. It's actually a joint birthday party for Ariana, Sammy, and Riley. Ariana and Sammy have already turned four, but Riley's third birthday isn't until the 27th. It's April 15th, two days after Sam's birthday.

When we arrived, Milo, Sam, and Riley were already jumping around. Maria was with Nico and Rosalie was sitting with Leo. Emily was bouncing on Frank's knee while Will, Calypso, Jason, Reyna, and Piper(who was holding Malia) were deep in conversation.

Luke and Ari ran off to jump and I pushed the stroller with the twins over to the table. "Hey, Perce! How's it going?" Jason asked. "Oh pretty good," I answered.

I glanced down at the stroller and Ethan was sleeping. Bianca just stared wide eyed at everything around her. Ariana ran back from the trampolines and grabbed Bee's arm. "C'mon!" She screeched and off they went.

Leo looked wistfully at the trampolines. "Hey," Calypso said, putting her hand on Leo's arm. "We came to let the kids have some fun."

Five minutes later...

I sat with Calypso, Piper, and the twins and Emily. Everyone else had abandoned the table. Calypso let out a sigh of disappointment upon seeing Leo execute a backflip into the foam pit.

That's right, the fun outing for the kids had turned into a free for all for everyone. Heck, even Reyna was jumping around. Her and Jason were playing jumping leapfrog over the kids.

Hazel and Frank were having a hay day jumping into the foam pit with Leo, and Will and Nico were having an intense basketball match. Nico somehow knew how to get maximum lift when jumping for a dunk. It's hilarious because he's quite a bit shorter than Will.

I had a two year old Emily bouncing on my lap and the six month old twins were sitting peacefully in their stroller. Piper was sitting with a one month old Malia and Calypso with a two year old Rosalie.

After a few more minutes, I realized that the main trampoline area was occupied by only the adults. Where had the kids gone? Then I heard crying and looked to the dodgeball area. Riley was crying after Milo nailed him in the face.

Jason went to go retrieve his crying son when his face lit up. He whirled around and yelled, "Oh my gods dodgeball!" "Hell yeah!" Leo answered with glee.

Jason kisses Riley atop the head and left him to jump with the other kids before racing to the dodgeball trampolines. Jason and Reyna were team captains.

Jason started by picking Frank and Reyna then picked Nico. "Shit," Jason muttered. He looked around the remaining demigods and chose Leo. Reyna confidently chose Hazel. Jason finished with Will. "We need another player. Hey guys! Reyna needs another player," he yelled at us. Calypso and Piper both shrugged their shoulders, pointing out the babies they were both holding. I set Emily in a high chair and stood up.

"Percy," Reyna crossed her arms and smiled, "welcome to the team." "Shit shit shit," Jason yelled, "why do you get all the good people!"

"Excuse you," Leo said. "You forget I'm a son of Apollo," Will shook his head. Frank just stood to the side, laughing at his team mates. He'd long gotten used to their antics.

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