Jason's POV(Twenty-Eight)

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Edited 8/17/18

Today is Halloween and the whole group got together to trick or treat around New York. The costumes were something else all together.

If you can guess, I dressed up as Superman. I was trying to convince Piper to dress up as Louis Lane, by she claimed she was too cool for that and wanted to be her own superhero. So she dressed up as Wonder Woman(and she looked smokin hot in that costume).

Percy and Annabeth dressed up as the couple from Greece, with Luke sitting happily in a baby carrier on Percy's chest(facing everyone else) with black pants over a white onesie and his curls slicked back. It. Was. Adorable. Luke was of course walking now, but Percy and Annabeth wanted to keep him on a short leash considering we were trick or treating in New York.

Leo and Calypso were pirates and they pushed a little Parrot Milo around in a stroller. The parrot part of the costume was only fitting because it seemed that that was all he ever did. He loved to talk now.

Hazel and Frank were probably the cutest. They dressed up as Moana(Hazel) and her pig(Frank). Of course Frank turned human in between houses(sort of) and demanded Hazel get extra candy considering he had zero income being a pig. In response, Hazel promised to share.

Reyna was being a badass as usual and dressed up as Rosie the Riveter, with her hair tied up in a red bandana and a blue denim shirt tied around her waist, showing some of her midriff and dark blue jeans to match. And she made a point of flexing her biceps to show that she could indeed match the pictures.

Next up was Nico, who went all out for Halloween. He was dressed up as the grim reaper/skeleton/ zombie clown and he somehow pulled it off. And by that I mean he looked so freaking scary Luke, Milo, and I started crying. Okay, I didn't 'cry' but I was still  really scared.

Will on the other hand, wore a simple white t-shirt with a rainbow on it, claiming that he "didn't do Halloween". Nico offered to hold his hand to which Will quickly declined. I'm quite sure it was the costume.

(Comment whose costume was your favorite)

After making the rounds, we popped in some random creamery for a late ice cream break. Luke was sound asleep, but Milo was still wide eyed and babbling, stealing ice cream from Hazel's bowl when she wasn't looking(Frank got an apple).

After that, we split ways, Piper and I heading back to our apartment in LA. Once we got to the doorstep I wrapped my arms around her waist and shot into the air. Piper shrieked in surprise and wiggled around to slap me.

Just to mess with her I dropped through the air a hundred meters before righting us and flying off to the tallest building in Los Angeles.

We landed on the very top of the Wilshire Grand Center and sat there, just dangling or legs over the side and watching the city lights and the bustling of the traffic(idk why but Jason's death just hit me really hard right here).

Finally Piper turned to actually look at me. The way her eyes met mine, I could tell she was picking through my brain, trying to decipher my thoughts.

All I could think about was how truly beautiful she was and how her eyes reflected the city lights and what I ever did to deserve her.

"So why here?" She asked. It was a simple question and it's not like we haven't been up here before. This was kind of our special place to just come and think.

"I was just thinking," I started and she scooted closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist in a side hug. "All our friends are getting married and having kids. I kind of want that," I said nervously.

Piper tilted her head in the cutest way possible, her lips turning up in a smile. "Well then marry me, Sparky."

"Alright Beauty Queen, let's do it."

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