Piper's POV(Thirty)

522 15 7

Edited 8/17/18

I danced around the beach hut we rented in Maui, squealing like a child. Jason had gone to the grocery store and I held the pregnancy test to the light again just to make sure. I screamed again, pure excitement rushing through my veins.

Just then the door opened and Jason walked through the door, hands full of grocery bags. I shrieked and ran at him, jumping at the last second. He dropped the bags to catch me, spinning me around and laughing, not quite sure what was going on.

Still holding me, he walked out onto the porch that was facing the beach. I pushed his glasses farther up his nose where they were starting to fall off and I pecked him on the lips. He finally set me down, my sundress billowing in the breeze.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" He asked. I showed him the test and it took him a few seconds to grasp the situation.

"Piper...oh my gods!" He looked from my stomach to my face and back to my stomach again. For a split second I thought he would be mad, but then he wrapped me in a hug, kissing me profusely. I shrieked when he tickled me and swatted him away.

He was smiling widely and ran to the surf, with me hot on his heals. We swam around for awhile before going back inside to try and pack up our things. We would be catching a plane home tomorrow.

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