Leo's POV(Fifty-Five)

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Edited 9/3/18

It was a chill day at home when we got the call. Okay so it wasn't chill at all it was actually very hot. Like, it involved fire.

Callie was taking a nap and I was suppose to be watching the kids and they'd already used up their allotted "TV time," whatever the heck that means, so that wasn't an option. So I currently had all three of them sat on the counter. Not doing anything, just staring at each other. It was apparent that a six year old Milo had inherited my ADHD because he was looking all over the place and fiddling with some toy, just barely staying in place on the counter.

Sammy on the other hand, well he was also a hyperactive mess so I guess there isn't another hand. At two years old, he sure was terrible.

Rosalie is about one and a half and she actually sat still. Her caramel colored waves were just about past her shoulders and her brown eyes glittered with concentration.

Now, the kids have seen me light myself on fire many times, but so far they have shown no signs of being able to use that ability. I thought they just didn't get the gene. I was wrong.

So, we're all just sitting there right? And then the strangest thing happens. I start to smell smoke and of course I check myself, you know, pat down my hair, my nose, my ears, check my hands after I do so(which isn't a very good idea considering my hands could've been on fire, but what can you do?). I concluded that I was in fact not on fire.

I happened to glance at the counter where my three children were sitting and my eyes caught orange. My head flew up and I noticed that Rosalie of all people had lit her hand on fire. The flames quickly spread and soon she was completely immersed in the flames.

At first I was alarmed, as any parent would be, but then I asked her if she was okay and she said "yes daddy," and went on playing with the flames.

I really started to freak though when she started spewing flames like geysers in every direction, catching a towel, a cupboard, and unfortunately, her brothers. Milo started screamed and I lost it. He's in pain, I thought, he's burning. My son is burning.

I grabbed the emergency fire extinguisher and sprayed it on him, then on Sam who was just sitting there looking mildly confused, and then finally at Rosie who was shrieking in delight.

By this point the fire alarms were blaring and smoke was billowing. I ran first to Milo to make sure he was okay, trying to prepare myself for the worst. Which is the worst feeling in the world if you were wondering. When I got there tears were steaming down his face and he tried to get the extinguisher foam out of his face.

"Hey bud, you okay?" I asked. I know it seems like a stupid question to ask, but I wanted to approach the situation as calmly as possible.

"Mmhmm," he nodded, answering in a quivering voice. I grabbed the towel that wasn't burnt to a crisp and helped him wash the rest off. I noticed that there wasn't a single burn or even mark from the fire, he must of just been scared.

I went on to wash off Sam and the same could be said for him. Rose was also unscathed and excited to have some foam to play with and stuff in her mouth. I really didn't think this through. I got the alarms to turn off and took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart beat.

Calypso chose that moment to join in on the fun. She stomped down the stairs, waving her hand in front of her face to fan away the smoke. "What the hell happened down here!" She screamed.

"Good news honey," I started in a tone I thought was safe, "I found out the kids are fireproof."

"And how the Hades did you find that out!" She screeched. I smiled sheepishly. "Well, because Rose set herself on fire and then tried to burn the other two. But hey! They're okay! Everyone's okay! So let's focus on more important things like what we are going to do for supper and the fact that you didn't get in all of your beauty sleep!"

Calypso whacked me upside the head and turned on the sink to at least try to wash all the foam off. I considered sneaking off then and there and hopefully evading my punishment, by then I decided it might be better for my health if I stayed and cleaned up the kitchen.

Calypso had just succeeded in redressing all three kids(Rosalie had burned right through her clothes) when an Iris Message popped up in front of us. Puzzled, we let the kids run to the living room while Calypso and I accepted the call. We were a little surprised to see Chiron on the other end.

What surprised us most was the solemn and upset look on his face. "What—" He didn't even give me time to finish.

"We need you guys at Camp Half-Blood right away. Something's come up and it's very important that you get here as soon as possible."

I burrowed my eyebrows. "Chiron, what is it?" I asked. He shook his head dismissively and said, "just be here," before swiping his hand through the message. Callie and I shared a look. We simultaneously ran up the stairs to the bedrooms and started packing essentials for the kids. We might not even need it, but it's always better to be safe rather than sorry. Besides, you never know how long you're going to be staying at camp.

We quickly filled the kids in on where we were going and they were pretty excited to go to camp, but Callie and I knew that it wasn't going to be for any pleasant reason.

So we loaded up the car and drove to the location in Houston that housed the portal and transported to Camp Half-Blood.

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