Piper's POV(Hundred-Three)

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There was something certainly exciting happening at Camp Half-Blood today. Jason and I got a call from Chiron yesterday to cross the portal and meet someone. 

So we left Riley and Malia with Leo and Calypso and crossed to Long Island. Chiron was waiting for us in Centaur form. He smiled and shook our hands and led us off to the Big House.

You see, we are here today to meet Malaika Abara, an eighteen year old daughter of Hecate. Four years ago, a satyr was sent to West Africa to scout for Half-Bloods, and came back with her. Chiron called to tell us that she was pregnant and didn't want the baby. He said they were trying to find a demigod family that would like to adopt the child. 

Jason and I agreed to come meet Malaika. 

She was waiting for us in the sitting room. She stood when we entered the room. We all shook hands and formally introduced ourselves. Malaika sat back down, pulling her long black braided hair over her shoulder.

We sat talking for awhile, telling each other about ourselves. Soon two hours had past. Her baby girl was due in two months, on June 6th.

Jason and I stepped out of the room to discuss things, but there wasn't much to discuss. We decided that yes, we would love to adopt Malaika's baby. 

She was so happy when we told her and over the course of the next two months, we spent a lot of time at Camp Half-Blood with Malaika. Some days we would bring Riley and Malia, other days we wouldn't. 

Riley turned four, and Sammy and Ariana both turned five in April. Luke turned eight in May. Malia is now a year old. 

Soon enough, June 6th came to pass and there still wasn't a baby. Jason and I were tense that week, setting up the house for a baby. And finally, on June 12th, we got an Iris Message from Chiron informing us that Malaika was in labor.

When we first got to meet the baby, Jason and I both cried. She was truly beautiful. I got to hold her first, rocking her around in her little pink blanket.

When Jason held her, he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Hello Rayne Abara Grace," he said.

Okay I'm so sorry about how cringe that whole chapter was. I didn't know how to put that all together so there you go. I rushed it and...yeah I have no excuses. Anyway, I don't know how much more I'm putting in this book. I might skip forward to teenage years if y'all don't mind. Let me know if you have any prompts you want me to write. Otherwise, get ready for puberty and dating and the like!

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