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Sally's POV

This year, for Thanksgiving, Paul and I are hosting at our house in New York. Percy and his family, plus Luke's new boyfriend(I'm still sad about Noah) are coming, along with all the other demigods, so we'll have a full house.

 Grover, Juniper, and the triplets arrived first, which was no surprise. Grover always seems to be rather punctual.

After that, came Nico, Will, Maria, and Reyna. I greeted everyone with a hug. Estelle and I were running the kitchen before everyone started to show up, bringing various dishes with them.

When Percy and the kids showed up, I made sure to give Luke a great big hug.

"Aaron, was it?" I asked, moving in to give Luke's boyfriend a hug as well. "Aiden, actually, Mrs. Jackson," he corrected.

"Aw, that's Sally to you. Come in, come in," he grabbed Luke's hand and they made their way inside. Then I turned to the other four and gave hugs.

As the night went on, I started to really watch Luke and Aiden. Aiden didn't seem like a bad kid, but he definitely wasn't Noah. The two of them were on the couch, talking to Leo about one of his new projects or something. Aiden was asking questions animatedly and nodding along to everything Leo was saying, which Leo seemed to really appreciate. 

Though there was plenty of room on the couch, Aiden had his arm around Luke, making sure he sat as close as possible to him. But then, when he went to talk to Jason, he was more refined and respectful. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him interact with Percy. He adapts a softer, kinder version of himself.

I decided I needed to get a second opinion. I left Will, Paul, and Jason in the kitchen with the turkey and sought out Estelle, who was sipping a glass of wine and talking with Piper.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry to interrupt, but Estelle, a word?"

I glanced apologetically at Piper before following me to the other room.

"Have you noticed anything strange about Aiden?" I asked.

She nodded, taking another sip. "Little chameleon, that one is."

"Should we say something to Luke? Or Percy even?"

"Mom, Luke's a big boy now. He can handle himself. And you know nothing gets past Percy."

I sighed. "Alright. You're right. I'm sure it's nothing."

Always listen to what your gut is telling you. I didn't.

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