Piper's POV(Sixty-Three)

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Edited 10/30/18

As soon as Jason got the call from Luke, we'd started preparing for their arrival. We'd automatically assumed she'd be going into labor by this point and we had to get a team ready. Word spread quickly and I contacted first Leo and then Hazel. Jason called Reyna and Thalia.

Right now, we all sat in the living room of the Big House, listening to Annabeth's screams. Hazel had Ariana on her lap and Frank was rubbing Luke's back. The rest of our children were somewhere with the Aphrodite kids. They loved babysitting.

I really knew something was wrong though when Will stumbled out of the room. As soon as he shut the door behind him, he fell back against the wall and slid to the ground, crying. Nico stood and walked over, kneeling beside his husband trying to understand what was wrong.

Not long after that Nico froze. And I knew what that meant. "Oh gods," I mumbled into my hands. A sob broke loose from deep inside me. Poor Luke must have caught on because he looked absolutely terrified.

Will pushed himself to his feet and reentered the room. It was probably ten minutes later when Percy emerged, holding a little pink bundle. His eyes were red and puffy and he put care into his steps as he walked toward us. We all stood to greet him, grieving as a whole.

But then I noticed Will following him, carrying another bundle, thought his one was blue. Twins. Percy silently handed the girl to me. She had straight black hair from what I could see. She was adorable.

Percy got on his knees, his shoulders shaking, and held out his arms to Luke and Ariana. They ran to him, all crying now as they embraced.

Will was crying as he looked down at the baby boy in his arms. The boy had blond curls and his eyes were wide open. They were grey. Just then the girl opened her eyes and squawked at me. Her eyes were grey too.

It started with Hazel. She got on her knees as well and wrapped the three in a hug. Then Jason. Then Frank. I went next, holding the baby close to me. Thalia, Reyna, Grover, Leo, and Calypso joined in.

After them came Will, who was still holding the boy, and Nico. It was a giant hug, all of us grieving. All of us crying. All of us missing the daughter of Athena.

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