Sugar Blood(Forty-Three)

494 16 13

Edited 9/3/18

It was day three of having the Valdez boys at our house and so far, all was well. Arianna and and Sammy were both around six months old and Luke and Milo were both four.

We had gone to the water park earlier that day, Luke and Milo having a ton of fun in the water with me. Annabeth sat on the side suntanning and watching the babies who were passed out in the stroller. She had also gotten a tattoo, Seaweed Brain in my handwriting on the inside of her left bicep.

She looked really hot in that swimsuit, smiling at me with her sunglasses on. I meanwhile, played in the water with the older boys, making sure they didn't drown, sending mini waves their way.

We swam for another hour and I looked over at Annabeth who had Sammy sleeping on her chest and Ari just sitting happily and content in the stroller, watching us.

After swimming, we drove to a restaurant and ate and then headed back home. I turned on Bubble Guppies to keep the boys entertained and went to help Annabeth put the babies to bed. You see, we have this bet going throughout the whole group for who can change diapers the fastest. So far Annabeth is in the lead with two minutes, me right behind her with two thirty. Leo's catching up at three forty-five.

After the babies were both successfully sleeping(Annabeth had sung her now infamous lullaby), I headed down to the living room to see Milo fast asleep on the couch. Luke was still watching Bubble Guppies attentively.

I scooped up Milo and brought him to Luke's room where they were having "the best two week sleepover ever!" As Annabeth put it to get them excited about it.

I walked back down the stairs and walked over to Luke. "Kay bud, time to go to bed." He shot off the couch and ran to the kitchen where Grandma Sally's famous blue cookies were sitting.

"Daddy, I need a cookie kebuz my sugar blood is running low," he explained, feigning sickness.

I put my hands on my hips. "No you don't need a cookie kebuz it's time for bed." In the corner of my eye, I saw Annabeth walking down the stairs slowing so as not to interrupt our heated argument.

"Pwease Daddy? Pwetty pwease?" He asked, making his baby seal face. I mentally cursed myself for passing that trait down to him. I glanced at Annabeth, who was sitting on the stairs watching in amusement and then back to Luke. "Okay fine, but don't tell Mommy."

I grabbed a blue cookie and broke it in half, giving Luke one half and eating the other myself. Luke and I sighed in sync and ate our cookie. Annabeth must have decided enough was enough because she stepped in then. "Now what do you think you're doing?" She asked, trying to hide her smile behind a scowl.

"Nothing," we both said, mouths full, hiding our chocolaty hands behind our backs. Annabeth knelt down next to Luke. "Has Daddy been eating cookies before bedtime?" She asked. Wide eyed, Luke answered, "Uh huh!"

"Go sit in the corner mister," she said, pointing at me and then the time out corner. I pouted and stomped over to the corner before sitting down. Luke giggled before Annabeth turned on him.

"And you mister! Is that chocolate on your fingers? Blue dye in your teeth? Go sit in the time out corner with your father! No cookies before bedtime kebuz I said so!"

He giggled as he jumped into my arms and we sat for a full minute in the corner before I was allowed to go put him to sleep.

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