Leo's POV(Twenty-Six)

576 17 3

Edited 8/17/18

I'm sorry for all the birthdays in a row:)

Holy Hephaestus, the first year has blown by. Today is Milo's first birthday. But that's not the only reason today is a big day. Calypso and I are still together which is good, but we haven't really taken any real steps toward anything. Except parenthood of course, but that was kind of an accident.

I'm looking to build something with her. An official family. And I thought Milo's birthday would be the perfect date.

We weren't doing much for today. We thought it would be nice to just have a family celebration, just the three of us. We went to a steakhouse for supper, and the staff sang Milo a Happy Birthday song and he looked so elated to have so much attention.

We went to Dairy Queen after that and got an ice cream cake(which is kind of ironic if you ask me) and placed a number 1 candle on it. He made faces the entire time he ate it which was adorable.

After that we went home and had a dance party in the living room, equipped with totally awesome disco lights and speakers. Milo was giggling as he watched 'Mama' and 'Dada' dance around above him while he just sat their clapping, already tired of crawling around between our legs.

Callie turned the music down a bit when she noticed Milo yawn and rub his eyes with tiny fists. I smiled and picked him up, whispering, "that's how we do it in Texas," and then brought him up to the his room and laid him down in his crib.

I've noticed that he's kind of a party hard sleep harder kinda guy. He was out in no time.

I padded back downstairs where Calypso was cleaning up the kitchen. I changed the song to a slow one and turned it up, not loud enough to disturb the baby.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed Calypso around the waist, leading her back into the living room. She cocked her head at the music and put her arms around my neck.

I rested my hands on her hips and we began to sway to the music. After awhile Calypso rested her head on my chest and played with my curls while we swayed.

I took that as my cue and I pulled away, grabbing her hand and leading her outside. She looked at me questioningly but I just wiggled my eyebrows and led her down he path to our backyard garden.

We walked through the garden, regarding the beautiful flowers and plants, the moonlace sticking out the most in the moonlight.

We sat down on the bench under the arch that was carefully crafted(by me) out of celestial bronze with vines sneaking around it.

"What's this about?" Calypso asked sleepily. I just shrugged and laced my fingers with hers. I had to wait until the clouds parted and the moon shown perfectly.

After about five more minutes the moon was situated perfectly and I gently slipped off the bench, where Callie was previously resting with her head on my shoulder. She looked at me confused as I pulled a box out of my tool belt.

I reached for her hand a pulled her up before getting down on one knee, my hands shaking. I fidgeted with the box trying in vain to remember whatever the Hades my speech was.

Ah, screw it. "Hey, Callie?" I asked with a stupid grin, opening the box, "Will you marry me?" She slid down to the dirt ground next to me, nodding vigorously, and planted a kiss on my lips, wrapping her hands around my neck. My calloused hand found the side of her head, the other her waist and I pulled her close to me.

It was about to get real intimate when a rabbit came out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of both of us. We jumped apart, and started laughing when we realized what it was.

I took that opportunity to slip the ring on her finger. She admired it with a wide smile, leaning into me again. It was a silver band with a beautiful diamond in the middle with silver flower petals circling it. It reflected the moonlight perfectly, almost glowing in a serene way. "I love it," she whispered.

I made it myself of course, but I had to get it specially blest by Artemis so that it glowed the way it did. "You love it?" I questioned, feigning hurt. She laughed, "I love you too, Leo," she sang.

"I love you more," I sighed, kissing her again.

Hey guys! How are you doing? I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed that chapter. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that the story will be skipping around a lot more now, to the more important events. I will still put in some small filler chapters here and there, but expect some big skips.

Anyway, remember to vote and comment and have a great day! Love you demigods:)

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