How To Braid Hair(Hundred-Four)

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"Hey, um, Piper?" I asked, knocking on the Grace door. 

She opened the door, newborn Rayne in her arms. She smiled and let me in.

"Riley! I told you to clean up your toys!" She called through the house as we made our way to the living room where Riley's toys were indeed all over the place. Malia, a year old, sat on a blanket in the middle of the floor, chewing on a teddy bear.

Jason came in through the back door then. "Oh hey, Perce," he said, coming to take the baby from Piper. 

"So what brings you here today, Percy?" She asked. 

I blushed a bit. "Well, you see, Ariana always wants something cool done with her hair, but I don't know how to braid, so I was wondering if..."

"If I would teach you," Piper finished. "Of course. I'll go get some hair supplies if you go get Ari. She's got loads of hair to practice braid."

So I went to get Ari and soon enough we were once again seated on the couch in the Grace living room. Ari sat on the floor in front of me, watching TV.

"Alright," Piper said, "So you start with taking this piece of hair and dividing into three pieces..."

After a lot of practice on a surprisingly patient Ariana, I finally got the hang of it. We left the Grace's with Ariana's hair braided, her smiling and running ahead of me back to our house where the twins were napping.

Approaching the house I saw Luke and Milo in the driveway, drawing with chalk. Those two have been best friends since they could walk.

Upon seeing Ariana returning, Sammy tore away through his yard to get to ours and him and Ari joined their brothers in chalk drawing. 

Maybe it was because they were so close in age, but Ari and Sam were also best friends. Sure, all the kids were super close, but those two pairs had a stronger bond. 

My Valdez Baby Monitor™ started to go off signalling the babies were awake so I went to go get them.

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