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Noah's POV

After going around the lake on the boat as the sun set behind us with promises of lots of tubing tomorrow, we returned to the ginormous cabin. I still couldn't believe the fact that I was staying in the same house as all my heroes for a whole week! Or the fact that I was dating the son of the greatest hero of all time!

Anyway, we stayed up, around the table, exchanging stories late into the night, the demigods going on about the war. Luke and I were eventually the only kids still at the table, and I was watching, fascinated, as Percy Jackson and Jason Grace argued about the details of a fight in a cornfield in Kansas and Piper butted in every once in awhile to set things straight.

I jumped when Luke's head hit my shoulder. Juniper giggled at my reaction. She must have seen him falling asleep. Percy glanced over and smiled. 

"I think it's time for bed," he said. I shook Luke awake and he blinked sleepily. I took his hand and led him out to the air mattress where Ethan was already sleeping. I sat down on the couch, wiggling to get under the blankets. 

"G'night Luke," I yawned. There was no answer. I got up on my elbows to look and he was already asleep, curled up around his brother like he was a pillow.

I woke up a couple hours later to Ethan gently shaking my shoulder.

I groaned and sat up groggily.

"Hey bud, what's up?" I asked through a yawn.

He glanced over his shoulder at where Luke had shifted in his sleep and hugged Ethan's pillow now that Ethan was gone.

"Well, you see, Luke's a cuddler, and I can't sleep when he's hugging me and..." he trailed off looking back at me.

"Trade-sies?" He asked.

"Uh..." I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling a blush rise up to fill my cheeks. "Sure."

As soon as I was off the couch, Ethan got cozy in the sheets and fell asleep. 

I took the two steps to the air mattress and wrestled Ethan's pillow back from Luke's arms as gently as possible. It wasn't easy, but I eventually got it. I slipped under the covers quickly before Luke could attach himself to something else and thus make it impossible for me to actually get into the bed.

As Ethan warned, Luke became almost instantly attached to me. He wrapped his arms around my middle and snuggle his head into my chest. I was tense at first, but I relaxed when he took a deep breath and sort of sighed in his sleep. I rested me cheek against the top of his head and fell back asleep.

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