Greece Continued(Sixteen)

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Edited 8/6/18

We tried to enjoy the rest of the trip, for we still had a week in Greece, but Annabeth was just out of it. Awful timing, I know.

Anyway, we were touring Sparta today, and we got to see the places they trained their warriors and we tried to stay clear of the underground lair in which the Spartans chained Ares. Annabeth definitely didn't want to go there again.

At one point Annabeth ran to a bathroom. Startled, I tried to follow her when a clawed hand stopped me. "Perseus Jackson and his new wife. Isn't this nice," growled a Dracanae.

I took out Riptide and in no time she was just a pile of dust. One little boy stared with wide eyes and I waved. He waved back as his mother pulled him away.

I found my way to the bathroom she was in and I knocked. "Ugh," she answered. I waited about thirty seconds before she let me in, shutting the door behind us.

She walked over to the sink and washed her hands, wiping her mouth on a paper towel. "You were throwing up," I realized. She nodded and held her stomach.

"You okay?" I asked, coming over to her. She looked down. And then I saw her thinking face. She cocked her head to the side.

"Percy?" She asked. "Hm?" "I think I might be pregnant," she stated.

My mouth dropped open. "Really?" I asked. "I mean, maybe..." she trailed off. "Could we go get a test?"

I nodded and led her out of the bathroom.

We ditched the tour and walked around for a little while, trying to find a convenience store or something. We finally found one and grabbed some tests and stuffed them in my backpack. We decided we would do them later back at the hotel and enjoy the rest of our day in Sparta.

Time skip...

I sat on the bed while Annabeth was using the test in the bathroom. I looked up when I heard the knob on the door turn. Annabeth walked out and shut the door behind her, not really paying attention to anything. "Annabeth?" I asked.

She just stared at the test. "Positive," she said. "Annabeth! That's-that's amazing!" I ran and hugged her. She started to smile as the news sank in.

Then the smile fell and she started freaking out. "We're in Greece Percy!"

"Uh huh," I nodded. "Is it safe to fly when I'm pregnant? What do I do?" She asked, grabbing her demigod-proof phone and googling the answers.

I glanced at it over her shoulder. "It says you're good to fly until 36 weeks, so you should be good," I pointed out.

"Well is it different for demigod babies?" She asked frantically.

"I honestly don't know. Should we ask Chiron?" I suggested. She thought about for a minute and then nodded. "Okay then," I said, leading her to the bathroom so we could make an Iris Message. I turned on the hot water and she opened the window, letting in the setting sunlight.

I threw in a drachma and said, "Oh Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Chiron, Camp Half-Blood, New York."

The rainbow shimmered and Chiron's face appeared. He was sitting alone in his office, in his wheelchair, doing paperwork or something.

I cleared my throat and he looked up startled.

"What can I do for you two honeymooners?" He asked with a smile. "Um...we need your help. We don't know what to do. You see..."

"I'm pregnant," Annabeth went right out and said it. Chiron looked baffled for a second and then a wide smile graced his features. "That's wonderful, you two. Congratulations."

"Yes, but we don't know if it's safe to fly home or any other precautions we should know," Annabeth explained. She was blushing like crazy. Then again, so was I. This was strange, telling our teacher first.

"Hmm," Chiron said, grabbing a book off the shelf and turning to a random page. "You see, demigod children or legacies, are a peculiar case. And considering it's your child, it will be very powerful.

"And also considering its Percy's child, I would not at all recommend flying. You should definitely book a boat ride back to New York if at all possible. If not, we can work something else out to get you home."

"Thanks Chiron," Annabeth said. "Oh, and there's something else you should know," Chiron stared, still looking through the book, "a demigod's smell is enhanced tenfold when carrying a legacy, so you will be prone to more monster attacks.

"Percy, you mustn't leave her side ever. Annabeth can handle herself, I know, but you are acting as her protector. While carrying the child, she is like a beacon to monsters. So be careful."

We nodded and Chiron smiled. "I'm assuming you want this to be a secret?" He asked. "Yes," we both said at the same time. "My lips are sealed," Chiron said.

"Thanks for everything Chiron," I said. He nodded and I swiped my hand through the message. We sat on the bed and talked for awhile.

"So I'm assuming this monster attacking thing will get worse as the baby grows, based on what Chiron told us. We better look for ferry's to the east coast and book something. We don't want anyone getting suspicious of us not being back on time," Annabeth theorized.

"Yeah. Should we try living in the apartment for a little while?" I asked. After thinking about it she said, "Yeah, I think we could do that."

I pecked her on the forehead and took out my phone, searching for anything available. "There's a cruise going to Manhattan from Athens in three days. It's a three day trip. Should we book it?" I asked.

"Yeah. Then we can enjoy a little more of Greece before we get on that cruise."

"Alrighty then," I said, booking the trip home and cancelling the plane tickets.

I laid down in the bed next to Annabeth and placed my hand on her stomach. My baby was in there. Annabeth smiled and snuggled into me. I turned off the lamp and fell asleep.

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