Piper's POV(Ninety-Three)

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"Jason, get down here and clean this up!" I hollered from down the stairs. Jason and Riley had decided earlier to bake cupcakes and neither one of them had thought to clean up their mess. I was less than impressed.

Jason crept down the stairs, eyes wide in fear, looking terrified. I smiled in satisfaction. He should be scared. "I thought I told you to clean this up an hour ago," I claimed, hands on my hips. 

I caught sight of Riley inching to hide behind the couch. Malia simply watched from the living room floor. "Yes ma'am, you did," Jason answered sheepishly. I couldn't help but grin at the look on his face. 

Without saying another word, I jerked my thumb in the direction of the kitchen and he took off, starting the dish water and throwing dirty dishes in the sink. "And you!" I said, jumping behind the couch and catching a shrieking Riley in my arms, "must put away the ingredients!"

"Yes ma'am!" He giggle, mimicking his father and tearing off to the kitchen. "Oh stop it you two. It makes me feel old!"

Just then there was a knock on the door. I frowned, wondering who could possibly be at our door at this time of day. I opened the door to reveal Rachel Elizabeth Dare. 

"Rachel!" I wrapped her in a hug before leading her into the house. "What brings you here?" I asked as Jason and Riley continued to clean, not daring to break.

"Actually, it's a bit of a long story," she muttered, glancing at the boys in the kitchen. I nodded in understanding. This was code for, young ears not welcome.

"Hey, Riley? You need to get to bed now. You can let daddy finish for you, okay?" "M'kay," he responded, taking off upstairs to brush his teeth. "No fair!" Jason yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Get over it," I said.

After getting Riley to bed, and laying Malia down, we convened in the living room. "I had a vision," Rachel started. "Oh boy," Jason whispered, somehow managing to look annoyed and worried at the same time.

"I first got it over a year ago, before Annabeth was taken," she said. "It was about their apartment burning down, and then I saw seven houses, all in a row. I told Annabeth about it and she offered to design them. When Annabeth went missing, I forgot all about it, but it turns out, they were actually built."

"Okay?" I wasn't quite getting the point. "Well, you see, this week I got that same vision three different times. I decided to go check it out with Reyna and I did find the houses. Each one had a last name on it. There's a designated house for everyone. Jackson, Grace, Zhang, Solace-di Angelo. Valdez, Underwood, and Ramirez-Arellano? It was definitely the work of the fates that I had a vision and that Annabeth actually went through with designing them. I think, if you guys think it would be a good idea, you should...move in."

Jason and I were silent for a few moments. "I mean," Rachel continued, "Percy and the kids are living in the Poseidon cabin again. They need a house. And I know Will and Nico have been wanting a place since they got married. And especially with Maria..."

"I think that's a great idea," Jason interrupted. He raised his eyebrows at me and I shrugged. "We've been wanting to upgrade for a few months," I said. Rachel's eyes lit up. "I'm so glad," she said. "I feel like I owe it to Annabeth. Do you think the others will like the idea?" She asked. 

I nodded slowly. "I'm sure they would. And if nothing else, they could still get to their jobs using the portals."

"Good thinking," Jason said. "I'll go talk to Leo and Calypso about it," he said, walking out the door. "Should I talk to Grover and Juniper at Camp?" Rachel asked. "I know they were talking about their little cottage being cramped with the boys." Yeah that would be great!" I said. "I can talk to Hazel and Frank. Do you want to talk to Will and Nico?" I asked her. She nodded excitedly. "What about Percy?" She asked. 

"I feel like that would be a nice surprise," I pondered the idea. "We should all surprise him sometime this week. Then we can have a big moving day." Rachel sighed happily. "Well I'm so happy this worked out for all of you. Thanks for hearing me out."

"Of course. It's always great to see you," I said, giving her another hug before she too was out the door. 

I wondered around the house until Jason got home, pondering how we were going to move all our stuff. I went to the basement and started getting out some boxes and Jason helped me pack up a few things until well after midnight.

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