Capture the Flag(Onety-Threety-Eight)

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Luke's POV

Our last summer at Camp Half-Blood has really turned out to be pretty amazing. I spent almost all of it with Noah and we both got senior camper privileges, along with being cabin councilors for our respective cabins, though I was sharing my title with Milo. 

It was nice having all of my siblings here for at least one summer. Being twelve, it's Bianca and Ethan's first summer along with it being Ariana and Sammy's fourth summer, Riley and Rosalie's third summer, and Emily's second summer.

Noah, Milo, and I are all going to be starting our freshman year of college in a few weeks at New Rome, so this is our bittersweet goodbye to our summers at Camp Half-Blood. 

We were all sitting around the Legacy table in the Dining Pavilion (Noah snuck over like he usually does) and we were talking about our final game of Capture the Flag and what our strategy would be. 

Because there are a lot of cabins, a lot more than the twelve my dad grew up with, the teams are sometimes hard to divide. In terms of minor gods and the legacies, it's tricky to gauge how much power each camper has. For instance, with a minor god, you could be like a Hypnos camper who can put people to sleep when they're not sleeping themselves, or like a Hecate camper who can bend the Mist with expertise. 

And with Legacies, either you're a watered down version of your parents, or a collection of both parent's greatest powers. It's really just a luck of the draw. 

So typically, the Legacy Cabin is paired with some minor god cabins and some major god cabins, as is the other team. 

For today's game, thank the gods, we had the Dionysus team on our side. There were five total, including Noah. They used to have six, but Noah's half brother Ryker died on their quest to find Dionysus. 

As we got ready for the games, Noah went off to his siblings and Milo and I went to ours to prepare them all for the last game of the summer. 

Despite playing Capture the Flag almost every Friday, Ethan was still having trouble with his armor, so I helped him fasten the buckles as Bianca laughed at him. No matter how many times I told her to be nice, she did not seem to possess the caring.

As expected, Rosalie was super ready to go. She was rubbing her smoking hands together excitedly as I'd seen her father do many times. 

Ariana and Sammy were talking off to the side, making sure they had their weapons. Maria was tying her hair back and adjusting her quiver and counting her arrows. 

Riley was busy sharpening his spear that he got when he first started at camp. It was a present from his Auntie Thalia and it could shrink into a bracelet at a moments notice. Emily, tiny as she was, was not to be messed with. Even at only thirteen, she'd proven to be a force to be reckoned with. She carried a sword disguised as a ring on her finger, but she didn't often have to use it. Her real weapon was her shapeshifting powers. 

Bianca was of course swinging her sword at the grass to practice. She looked a little silly, a little twelve year old jumping around with a sword that was too big for her. Tyson made it for her, so it was balanced, but it was something she would have to grow into. 

Ethan on the other hand, lacked powers and instead inherited Mom's smarts. He relied on his throwing knives. They were blunt tipped for the purposes of the Games, but he had freaky good aim. 

I made sure my mom's dagger was in the holster and I saw Milo stuffing as many things in his tool belt as he could. 

I walked over to Noah to see how it was going on his end. He was adjusting his bracelets and bent down to grab his mace. In a real battle, he might depend on his ability to manipulate someone's sanity, but he wasn't aloud to do that at Camp. He told me once that he could do it temporarily, but he was too scared to try it during Capture the Flag because he didn't want to mess up and damage someone's brain permanently. I agreed it would be bad if he did that.

Of course, our family type dynamic aren't the only Legacies, but I promise I checked on them too. Once we confirmed with Chiron that our team was ready, as did the rest of the cabins, and after we discussed our strategy, we dispersed into the woods. 

Our strategy, delivered by the brilliant Ethan and Ariana Jackson, was to utilize the younger kids. The campers always relied on the older kids with more training to do all of the dirty work. Usually it was the younger kids that got stuck with guard duty. It was Ariana's idea to switch it up a bit. So basically, because the Legacies were pretty well trained to begin with and had some cool powers (exibit A: Emily Zhang), we were certain we could win pretty easily if we threw the other team off guard. 

And we did just that. As us older kids distracted other campers and guard the flag, Riley charmspeaked his way to the other team's base while Rosalie and Bianca created a steam with their combined powers that masked Emily's advances. She stole the flag and ran with it (as a cheetah) all the way back to our base. 

All in all, we celebrated our victory that night at the camp fire as the Apollo kids led the sing a long. It was a pretty great end to our last summer, in my opinion. 

Hello my lovely people! Haven't heard from me on this book in awhile huh. I've recently realized that this book has a lot of story line left and I have neglected to write it all down in awhile. I promise I have a storyline for each of the seven's kids, so hang in there. You probably already know that I don't like to leave my stories discontinued or anything. No matter how long it takes, I will finish my stories at some point. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there will be more to follow soon hopefully. Have a wonderful day, love you demigods:)

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