The Funeral Part 2(Sixty-Seven)

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Edited 10/30/18

After the burial we headed over to the beach where a stage had been set up that looked startlingly like the one we were married on. It's purpose was for the ceremony, where I would burn Annabeth's shroud.

It felt wrong to me. Like burning that shroud meant saying goodbye to her forever. I wasn't sure I was ready for that.

Upon reaching the beach, I left the stroller with Piper and Frederick went to hold Ethan and Mom held Bianca.

I walked to the stage and stood off to the side while Nico talked for awhile, addressing the crowd. I bet the whole camp was gathered at the beach...and some old friends.

Rachel was there, so was Clarisse. Scanning the faces, I saw the Stoll brothers and Jake Mason. Much to my amazement, I saw Drew Tanaka.

A change in tone caused me to look back up at the stage. Piper was saying a heartfelt speech and telling stories about Annabeth. I didn't even notice her go up there.

After awhile, it was my turn. I was terrified. Beyond tears. A deep feeling of sadness settled over me as I picked my way over to the center of the stage.

Nico solemnly handed me a symbolic Olympian torch that Leo lit on fire. The shroud was laid out on the stage with white flowers around its edge.

I tipped the torch upside down and watched as the flames flickered and seemed to pour from it and onto the beautifully embroidered shroud the Athena cabin had made.

I had to look away when it went up in flames.

After the ceremony, when everyone had gone to the dining pavilion to mourn together, I found myself at the grave. There was no gravestone, not yet, only a marker to show where she was.

Even then I couldn't bring myself to cry, though a deep sadness was all I felt. After awhile, Luke walked over to me, his hands buried in his coat pockets.

"Cmon Dad, we need to go back. The babies are crying and they want you." I didn't answer, just kept staring at the mound of dirt. "Cmon Dad," He said, pulling on my arm.

"Percy," someone said to my right, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go."

It was Grover. Standing slightly behind him stood a very pregnant Juniper. My jaw dropped. "The Hades did that happen?" I asked. Grover smiled. "Six months ago. We didn't tell you because of everything that's been going on..." he trailed off, his eyes finding the grave.

I gave him a silly look. "Dude, no matter what's going on in my life, I always want you to tell me stuff."

Luke grabbed my hand and we walked back into Camp. I could here two screaming babies from here and I sighed. "I guess that's my cue."

I found an also pregnant Piper trying to calm Ethan down and my mom struggling to soothe Bianca. I saw the empty bottles on one of the tables and concluded that they'd been fed already and they were fussing because I don't know.

Piper saw me first and handed me Ethan. The poor baby was screaming so I laid him on my chest/left shoulder and bounced him around a bit. Eventually his cries tapered off and he fell asleep.

Mom had managed to calm Bianca down considerably until she just cried softly. Mom handed her to me and helped me lay her on my right shoulder so I was holding both babies at once and they were both sleeping.

I kissed them both on their little tiny heads. The sun was setting and I concluded that it was getting late. Many people had already left. Mom, Paul, and Estelle said goodbye and headed out. Shortly after that, Hazel, Frank, and Emily left to go back to Camp Jupiter.

Leo, Calypso, Milo, Sammy, and Rosalie left not too long after them. Piper, Jason, and Riley were still staying at camp obviously, seeing as she was about four months pregnant.

Luke and Ariana followed me back to the cabin and I very gently laid the babies side by side in my bed. I put on some sweatpants and crawled into the bed after I made sure Luke and Ari were comfortable in their beds.

I was so exhausted from the days events that I fell right to sleep.

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