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Luke's POV

I woke up to snickers and what sounded like the snapping of a camera. I blinked awake, blurrily seeing Piper and Calypso snapping a few pictures. I tried to sit up, but found I couldn't.

"Ethan," I murmured.

"I'm over here," Ethan called from the kitchen, where he was sat at the island eating cereal. 

My eyebrows knit in confusion. I twisted my neck to look and sure enough Noah's blond hair was in my face. He was still sleeping, still holding me against him. I was curious as to how he got there, but I figured I'd find out later. I settled back into his arms and cozied up, most likely how I slept all night.

"We'll let you two be," Piper whispered and gestured to the kitchen.

I fell back to sleep.


"Alright, sleepy heads, time to wake up," Milo said. I noticed for the first time that there was a lot of sound around me. Everyone must be up.

Noah shifted beside me and yawned, stretching his arms. "What time is it?" He asked.

Milo ran around the bed stole my pillow from under my head. "Lunch time, get up!" He then proceeded to wack me with said pillow until I surrendered and got out of bed.

Noah and I followed Milo into the kitchen where it looked like most everyone had already gathered. We were hand in hand and I used my free hand to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Dad spotted us and came over, pulling me into a side hug and kissing my forehead. "Good morning," he said, bright eyed and ready for the day.

"Morning," I said through a yawn.

"It's actually afternoon," Ariana said, pushing past me to continue chasing Sammy, who had stolen her flip flops and ran away with them.

"I'll have to get used to so much activity. The Dionysus Cabin is never this busy," Noah told me.

"Welcome to my life," I joked, gesturing to the chaos that was the cabin.

After lunch, we were told to put on our swimsuits. It was time to go tubing.

"Everyone is getting on that tube at one point or another," Leo declared, pointing accusingly at Calypso, who started to argue.

"No buts!" He yelled dramatically.

As soon as we were out on the water, Leo yelled, " I CALL FIRST!"

"Shouldn't we let the kids go first?" Dad asked with an amused grin.


Dad shrugged and jumped on the tube after Leo(who declared Calypso the second in command to 'captain the ship'). Jason and Frank hopped on, too.

"This'll be great," I told Noah.

From my view of the tube, Dad sat criss-cross on the right side of the tube while Jason lay on his stomach right next to him. Leo was on his knees and Frank was also laying down.

Calypso started driving the boat fast and the occupants of the very crowded tube struggled to hold on. Well, except my dad. He was still sitting calm as can be. He knew he wasn't going to fall off.

I saw Jason glance over at him before turning to Leo and Frank, whispering some sort of plan.

"What's going on?" Noah asked me.

"They've formed a common goal to get my dad off the tube," I informed with a grin.

Calypso whipped the boat around and everyone on the tube went sort of tumbling into Dad and Jason took that opportunity to shove Percy. He didn't budge though, only laughed at Jason's attempts.

Jason used the winds to try to push him off, on top of his own shoving, but Dad seemed to be glued to the tube. Dad laughed again and pushed Jason off of him(friendly reminder that Percy has tattoos. I keep forgetting, but just so you know). Leo got into it then, leaning over Jason to try to push Dad off. Frank sighed and leaned over too.

I was probably the only one who noticed Dad's fist clench, but then a wave came out of nowhere, tipping the tube right over. The tube twisted right back over, seemingly righting itself, but Dad was the only one on the tube, sitting just how he had been the whole time.

Then, in the wake of the boat, three heads bobbed in the water. Dad just laughed.

After that, Frank went with Emily and Hazel; Reyna, Grover, and Juniper got on; and Will, Nico, and Piper went. Then Collin, Trevor, and Nathan; Milo, Noah, and I. Rayne, Malia, Ethan, and Bianca all squeezed on, and then Maria, Riley, Ariana, and Sammy. And lastly Calypso, Rosalie, and Leo.

After a full day of tubing, we headed back to the cabin, where I suggested a ping pong tournament. I know Jason cheated(for one, he has a terrible poker face) because the ping pong ball seemed to float before his paddle when he went to hit it.

 Reyna won the tournament of champions, no surprise there.

Instead of Ethan being 'forced to suffer', Noah was allowed to just sleep on the air mattress with me again tonight.

And thus ended another successful day.

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