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Rosalie's POV

Rosalie is six years old and attending kindergarten in New Rome

I hate bullies. At school, there are bullies and I hate them. They don't bully me, they know not to do that after my big brother Milo sent his metal dog Ajax after those third graders. Milo's in fifth grade. My other brother Sam is in first grade.

So today I was playing on the playground at recess with Riley when we noticed the three nasty third graders were picking on Sammy, Ari, and Bee. I was fuming. I picked up a fist full of sand from the sand box and the smell of burning filled the air and Riley looked up, wide questioning eyes until he spotted the bullies.

One of them shoved Sammy and he fell on his bottom, skinning his hands. I dropped the sand and it looked charred and I stood up and marched over to them.

"What are we gonna to against a bunch of third graders?" Riley asked. "I heard one of them's a legacy of Mars!"

But I ignored him and held my chin high. I was about to be the scariest kindergartner they ever saw.

Sammy saw me coming and quickly waved me away, but the bullies saw and turned to see me. They laughed at me and Riley. 

Ariana told them to go away. 

"Yeah go run to your fag brother," one of them taunted and Ari's face got red. "Don't call him that!" She yelled and tremors spread from under her feet.

Sammy was still on the floor and Bee was trying to pull him up. I stood in front of them, facing the bullies. 

"Leave them alone," I growled as menacingly as I could.

"Or what?" The one in the middle laughed.

Obviously they didn't know what I was capable of. Milo and Sam couldn't use fire, but I could. They didn't know this.

"Or I'll fucking burn you!" I yelled, lighting my hands on fire.

Their eyes widened and they backed away a little. "Don't think I won't do it!" I yelled, holding my hands out and taking a step forward. 

"Rosie," Sammy warned.

"I will!" I yelled. "Don't ever bother them again or else!"

One of the bullies raised an eyebrow and I let the flames crawl up to my elbows and jumped forward and they scattered, screaming.

I let the flames die out except for the hand I offered up to Sammy. He grabbed my flaming hand and I pulled him up.

"Thanks sis," he said shyly. Ariana was still shaken but she nodded at me. Bee led them off and I finally turned back to Riley.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" He exclaimed. "You were all like, BLAM! I'll melt your faces off. WHAPOW!"

"Well, some might say I'm a super hero," I boasted.

"You are!" He agreed.

I smiled a little to myself. Being a hero is fun.

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