Off To Camp(Hundred-Ten)

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Luke's POV

"I'll be here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for sword fighting lessons."


"And if you need me, I'm always just through the portal."


"And if you're ever homesick, just IrisMessage me."


"If you need anything, just go to Chiron, he'll help you if--"

"Dad! I'll be fine! Chill out!"

He chuckled and nodded. "Alright. Love you. Have fun."

"I will. And it's just for the summer, anyway."

"I know," he said, pulling me into a hug.

Ariana came and hugged me quickly, before disengaging. She wasn't eager to be spotted caring about her brother, I supposed.

"I'll miss you over summer," she said, then quietly, "What about Secret Society? Who will lead with you and Milo at Camp?"

"I supposed that would be you and Sam. You two can fill for us, yeah?"

She thought about it and smiled. "Yeah."

And then the twins attacked me. Ethan clung to my arm as Bianca became attached to my leg. At six, they were quite the troublemakers.

Ethan buried his face in my side and mumbled something that sounded like, "Don't go."

"I'll see you every Tuesday and Saturday when we visit Camp Jupiter for field trips," I assured.

I looked down at Bianca and saw she was pouting, her baby seal eyes blinking rapidly. She was trying to manipulate me, the little turd.

Dad help, I mouthed.

"Alright, you three. Let's get out of here and give Luke some space. He let us walk him into Camp, I'm afraid this is where we let him go on his own," dad said. Bianca begrudgingly trudged back to dad, but Ethan squeezed me tighter. 

"I'm just a portal away, okay bud? I'll see you soon."

He sighed over-dramatically and went to join the other three. I almost told them I loved them, but that's certainly not going to happen. I waved and Dad led my siblings out of Camp and back home.

Glancing to my left I saw Milo enduring similar sentiments with his family. I was twelve, but Milo's birthday isn't until August, but for the sake of keeping the two of us together, he gets to come to Camp early.

After both our families were gone, Milo ran over to where I was standing in the dining pavilion. I'd been to Camp Half-Blood plenty of times over the years. I'd even lived here for awhile when Mom was pregnant with Ari and then when the twins were born.

But I wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Ah, Luke, Milo. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

I turned and there was Chiron. My face broke into a smile. "Hello, sir," I said.

"Oh, no need to call me Sir. (Professor XD) I will show you to your Cabin. We have a special cabin for Legacies. It's not very full yet, but Legacies are able to partake in a special schedule where they get to join activities with the Cabins of your grandparents."

I cocked my head, confused. "You, Luke, will get to choose from activities more tailored to the Poseidon cabin, though there are no campers residing there currently. You will also get to choose some Athena cabin activities, though for mainstream activities such as the lava wall, sword fighting, and Capture the Flag, you will be with the Legacy Cabin."

"Milo, same goes for you, except with the Hephaestus cabin and perhaps Hecate? We will see if you have a knack for your mother's talent."

Milo blushed. "I doubt it, sir. I'm more into building things." His eyes lit up. He looked around and put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Out of the woods came Ajax, his metal dog.

"This is Ajax! My dad helped me make him!"

Chiron's eyes were glowing as he studied the dog. "My, my, what a wonderful companion you have there!"

Milo was beaming. After Chiron showed us Cabin 26, Legacy Cabin(There were two, one for boys and one for girls) he gave us each a schedule and told us to fill it out with which activities we would like to take. There were things that were essential to take, such as sword fighting, and other things that would help get a feel for our talents.

"Remember," Chiron said, "Just because your parents and grandparents were talented at certain things, does not mean you will carry the same talent or skill. Each camper is their own unique person and we will help you to discover what different things tailor uniquely to you."

At dinner that night, the Legacy table was pretty empty. Sitting there was Willow Rodriguez, Leah and Saylor Stoll, Milo and I, and two others I didn't recognize.

At the camp fire, the flames were high and bright orange. Everyone was in a good mood. Every once in awhile I would catch someone looking at me and whispering, "That's the son of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase," or, "He's a legacy of Poseidon and Athena."

Milo was getting a few stares too, but we tried to ignore them. 

Back at the Cabin, I started unpacking my bag into a trunk at the foot of my bunk. Milo was already in his pajamas and laying in bed on the bottom bunk next to mine. We were the only two boys in the Cabin, the rest of the bunks were empty. 

When I got through all my clothes and set my book on the nightstand, I got the the shoe box at the bottom. I took it out and opened it, brushing the fabric aside. I wrapped my hand around the handle of Mom's old dagger. It fit perfectly. 

I hugged it close, careful of the sharp edges. I could tell Milo was watching me, but he didn't say anything. 

"I love you Mom," I whispered before putting the dagger back in the box for another day. I crawled into bed and turned the lights off and Milo and I sat in the dark in silence for awhile.

Finally, "This is exciting, huh?" Milo asked. "We're finally here!"

I smiled. "Yeah, I can't wait for tomorrow."

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