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Luke's POV

It had been months of being with Noah again and it was amazing. It was even better than the year we dated before Noah left because now our love ran deeper. It was stronger than it was before.

One day, after school, Noah and I were at the school library, working on homework. Finals were coming up and we were both fairly stressed out. Noah spun his pen thoughtfully around his fingers.

I looked up from my homework, sensing that he was done concentrating. Noah grinned at me and leaned over the table to peck me on the lips.

"What are you grinning about?" I asked when he pulled away.

"Well, I was thinking, it's our senior year--"

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you getting at?" I asked, because with Noah, you never really know.

"I'm getting there," he giggled. "So it's our senior year--"

"Yeah I got that."

"Oh shut it!" He said, laughing. "Anyway, it's our senior year and neither of us have ever been to Prom."

I was about to say something else to interrupt him, but my breath caught in my throat instead. "Oh," was all I said. It was true, I'd missed out on Junior Prom last year. Who was I supposed to go with? Why would I even want to go?

Noah gave me a pleading look. "Luke, would you go to Prom with me?"

I thought about it, anxiety creeping in. Then I nodded and tried to smile. "Yeah. Yes, I would love to."

Noah's face lit up. "Awesome! Love you," he said, planting another kiss on my lips.


Later that day, I practically ran into my house.

"Dad, I've got a problem!" I yelled.

Dad walked into the living room, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"What is it?" He asked. Ariana packed up her homework and fled the scene as we sat on the couch.

"Noah asked me to prom," I said, biting my lip.

Dad beamed at me. "Luke that's awesome!"

"But..." I didn't really want to voice my concerns. They seemed stupid now.

"What is it?" Dad asked.

"Well it's just...isn't two guys going to prom together...weird?"

Dad's face lit up in surprise. "Oh. No I don't think it is at all. The world's come a long way since when I was a teenager, Luke. And besides, it's who you are, that's nothing to be ashamed about. If you love Noah and you want to go to Prom with him, then fuck everybody else."

"Oh my gods, Dad," I laughed.

"I'm just saying, Luke, I never got to go to Prom. Take advantage of the opportunity."

I smiled. "Thanks, Dad."

"No problem, bud."


Prom came sooner than I was ready for. The entire day I was stressing out and pacing. Dad had gone to pick up my tux and I was pacing the living room, pulling at my hair.

"Would you stop it already? You're blocking the TV!" Bianca shouted from the couch. 

I sighed and plopped down next to her on the couch. She glanced over at me, pursing her lips. "You're nervous," she said. 

I nodded. "Well it's like Dad said," she told me. "Fuck everybody else."

"Bianca! What the Hades? You were listening that day?"

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