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Song is 'when the party's over' by Billie Eilish⬆️.


It was Chiron's idea. I guess he was just looking at old pictures or whatever when he had the idea. He called me of course because I'm his favorite, and ran it by me. I thought it was a great idea.

The idea, as you might be wondering, was a reunion. I haven't seen many of the half-bloods I fought beside in years. Some of them came to Annabeth's funeral, but not all.

The reunion would be later today, for anyone who fought in the Second Titan War and or the Second Giant War. And you were encouraged to bring any spouses or children.

So here I was, getting the kids dressed and fed and ready to go. Which proves harder then I originally thought, being a single parent trying to deal with four children. Shout out to all you single parents out there. You deserve more.

I had Ethan balanced on my hip while I changed Bianca's diaper(which is quite the feat by the way). Luke was picking out his own clothes(none of which matched or anything) so I kept sending him back to his room to choose a different shirt. At least he was being a good sport about it.

I finished with the diaper and scooped Bianca into my other arm and paced to where Ariana was waiting patiently. We went into her room and since my hands were full I'd point at something with my foot and she'd retrieve it and try it on.

Eventually we settled on jeggings(jean/leggings) and a cute teal top with a sequin mermaid. I then headed to Luke's room to sort out his fashion sense. I wasn't the best role model, I'll give you that, but I was better than him at least. And living with Annabeth for so long will straighten you out.

"Hey, Ari, grab your brush, I need to brush your hair. We had bath night last night, right," I asked.

"Yeah, dad. We had bath night last night," Luke settled at the counter and grabbed a cookie while Ari ran to her room. I set the twins down in the living room and sat on the couch.

Ariana came running and plopped down in front of me so I could at least try to brush the tangles out of her blonde hair. "Daddy, can you braid my hair?" She asked.

"I don't know how to braid sweetheart," I answered, trying my very best not to rip all the hair out of her scalp.

"Oh," she deflated, before perking up at the silly face Bianca was making. Once done brushing her hair, I went to make sure the diaper bag was in order(diapers, wipes, toys, extra outfits for everyone, snacks, the works).

We hoped in the car and drove to camp. When we got there, there was already a fair number of people. The dining pavilion was all spruced up and the current campers carried on with their activities. Chiron was chatting with Connor and Travis Stoll.

I quickly unbuckled the twins from their car seats and put one on each hip. I directed the other two to follow me and we made our way over.

"Percy!" Connor yelled and attempted to pull me into a hug before realizing I was covered in babies. "Where'd these little monsters come from! They've gotten so big!"

"Yeah they just started crawling," I said.

I hadn't seen Connor or Travis since the funeral and definitely not Katie in years. A quick glance confirmed she was pregnant.

Travis patted Katie's stomach. "We'll have a little one pretty soon" he said. "First?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Third actually," he said, "the girls should be around her somewhere."

Just then two little girls that almost looked identical, ran up and hugged Travis around the legs. "This is Leah, she's seven," Katie explained, "and Saylor is six."

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