Annabeth's POV(Fifty-Nine)

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Edited 10/30/18

I've been locked in this cell for three months. As far as I know, I'm four months along. They leave me alone for the most part, the monsters. They give me food once a day. I'm worried about the baby though. I don't know if I'm doing enough to keep him or her safe.

I had read awhile ago that if you get sick or something while your pregnant, the baby will heal you. I'm taking a wild guess in saying a legacy baby will double that. I also know that despite my lack of nutrients, my baby bump is a lot bigger by this stage than it was for my other two pregnancies. I had I feeling I knew why.

My cell was pretty boring. Just an iron door with a little window at the top. Plain gray walls. A barred window too high up for me to see out of. A cot in the corner, a toilet in the other. A bucket of water and a tray of food. I was provided with a toothbrush of all things, and a thin blanket. I also had two changes of clothes, loose fitting to accommodate the baby.

Like I said earlier, my captors pretty much leave me alone. I've been sitting in solitude for months, only interrupted when the monsters that took me come to give me food and water. It's almost worst then being harmed. There's something about being ignored, being left alone, that could make you insane. So I've been keeping track of the days, praying for the day someone rescues me.

I know it's selfish, but sometimes I get angry at my friends for not finding me sooner. I know they are most definitely looking for me, but I wish they'd hurry. Even if I could contact them, I'd be of no help. I have absolutely no idea where I am.

Trust me when I say that I've tried every possible form of escape and I haven't gotten any further with my efforts over the course of three months. There's no way out. I just hope my friends can find a way in.

Other days it's my heart that aches. I miss Percy more then you could believe. There's an empty whole in my chest where my heart should be, but it's not. I guess I lied when I said my heart ached. My heart isn't here. It's with Percy. And Luke and Ariana. It's more of a phantom pain that leaves my chest heaving, me gasping for breath between each rattling sob.

I see my children's smiles in my dreams. My dreams are my only sanctuary. It's where everything is beautiful. And at the center of it all is Percy. I see him standing in a meadow-no maybe it's the Strawberry fields at camp.

He holds a bouquet of wild flowers, smiling from ear to ear. I let my eyes wander and I see Luke and Ariana picking strawberries with Milo and Maria and Sammy and Rosalie. Riley and Emily are there two. I think I see the seven, Thalia, Grover, Nico, Will, and Reyna in the background, but on a normal night I have tunnel vision for Percy.

Standing there in the fields with his bouquet, he's wearing a short sleeved v-neck t-shirt that's a forest green. On one arm, I can see the chain link tattoo pattern and his Camp Jupiter tattoo. If I look closer I catch a glimpse of the Wise Girl tattoo on the inside of his bicep.

On his wrist is Ariana's name, with another one below it that I don't recognize. His other arm sports the branches of a tree and the waves of the sea. On that wrist is Luke's name and again, a name under it that I don't recognize.

I choose then to focus on his smile. I run forward. He forgets about the flowers and lets them fall from his grip as he spreads his arms wide. I leap at him, yearning for the comfort of his warm embrace. But every night it's the same. I pass right through him and everything turns gray and dreary. That's when I wake up. All alone.

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