Magnus's POV(Eighty)

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Edited 11/14/18

I was playing tennis to the death with floor 19 when Hunding poked his head through the door, dodging a flaming tennis ball.

"Message for Magnus."

I stared at him. Message for me? Someone threw their tennis racket at my face. I whipped my head around and searched my friends.

Everyone still had a racket(Mallory was shrieking with laughter) except for Alex. She had her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels, giving me a big smile.

I sighed, shaking my head, and left the room. I followed Hunding back to the front desk. "There's a Percy Jackson on hold. You know him?"

I raised an eyebrow at the phone. Why would he be calling me? "Yeah I know him," I said. "Okay then, take it away."

Hunding left me with the phone. I studied it for about ten seconds before picking it up. "Hello?"

"Magnus? This is Percy."

"Hey Percy. So why have you called?"

"Um...the kids and I are kinda in Boston right now and I thought of you and...maybe you and Alex want to meet us somewhere?"

At first I didn't know what to say. I hadn't seen Percy in years. I met their first child, Luke, when he was just a baby, but that's the last time I'd seen Percy or the kids. Annabeth came to visit me in Boston every once in awhile though.

After Annabeth died, I couldn't stand to go to her funeral. It was like personal blow to me. She died and now she's in Elysium, and she'll stay there forever. I died and went to Valhalla and I'll stay there until Ragnarok, but I can still visit Midgard and all the other worlds.

It just wasn't fair.

"Sure. Where are you?" I asked him.

"*insert random coffee shop here*"

"Okay, be there in fifteen."

I hung up and ran back to the tennis court. I hadn't stepped a foot into the room when another tennis racket yet again nailed me in the face. "Seriously? The fuck are you doing that?" Alex just shrugged. "Your face is so..." she held up a fist, searching for a word, and punched the air. "Punchable."

I sighed. "Can you just come here?" I asked. TJ hefted his tennis racket onto his shoulder. He was in workout clothes(one of the only times I've ever seen him without his uniform) and laughed.

"You guys sound like a married couple."

"We could be if only Mags would pop the question."

"Oh is that how it is? You just chucked a tennis racket at my face five seconds ago!"

"It's an off and on relationship," Alex said, no longer to me but to Mallory, like she was apologizing for my behavior.

Once out of the room I explained that we were going to go visit my dead cousin's husband and children. "Oh," she got quiet, searching my face for something that would betray my true emotions about the whole situation.

"Let's go then," she said.

I stood outside of the coffee shop, Alex beside me, staring at the sign. I almost didn't want to go in. But Alex pushed me hard from behind and left me stumbling forward as she threw the doors open.

I scrambled after her. I found him no problem. He had been sitting at a table towards the back, facing the door so he could see everyone coming in.

He had been drumming his fingers anxiously on the table, but his head flew up when we entered.

He'd changed a lot since I'd last seen him. For starters, his arms were covered in tattoos. Also, he had two kids instead of one. I knew about the second though, Annabeth told me about her one time.

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