Growing Up(Onety-Onety-Two)

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Ariana's POV

I've had the talk with Piper before, since she said my dad was not very good at prepping me for 'Growing Up'. But anyway, I've just turned twelve last week and it's like the timer went off. All of a sudden, I've gotten my first period!

I wasn't quite sure what to do. Do I go talk to Dad, whose downstairs playing legos with the twins(9), or do I sneak out and go to Piper's house? I really don't want to run into Riley, though, that would be awkward.

So I ultimately decided to go talk to my dad first, however awkward that might be.

I crept down the stairs and peeked around the corner. "Dad?" I asked, and he looked up from the lego battle they were having. He could tell by my tone that this was important. 

"I'll be right back," he whispered to Ethan and Bianca.

"What's up, Ari?" He asked. He was getting a bit distracted by the music pouring from Luke's bedroom.

"Dad," I whispered. "I got my period."

His eyes widened comically. "Oh."

I stood there awkwardly as he processed this. "What to do, what to do. Piper will know what to do! Let's go see Piper," he said.

"Luke!" He called up the stairs. A few seconds later the music turned off and the door opened. Luke(14) leaned out the door. "What?"

"Watch the twins a minute. We'll be back soon."

Luke grumbled something in his annoyance, but came downstairs anyway and sat on the couch on his IrisPhone.

Dad sighed, "Good enough."

And so we went to the Grace house.

When Piper opened the door, puzzled but happy to see us, Dad said, "We need your help."

And thus Piper became my artificial Mom when it came to 'Girl Things'.

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