Falling In Love(Onety-Onety-Five)

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Luke's POV

I was sitting on the docks in mid June, my feet in the water. I was technically supposed to be at lunch in the dining pavilion, but I didn't feel like eating. I'll admit, I was a little jealous of Ariana. She was getting all sorts of attention since Poseidon came to give her his trident.

Even Milo was excited to get a good look at it and I was honestly feeling a bit neglected. I'm probably being over-dramatic, but that's just how I feel.

Anyway, I was sulking by myself at the end of the dock when I felt it shift and I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I turned to see who dared to bother me. I was about a second away from yelling at Ariana to leave me alone when I saw it wasn't Ariana at all. 

I caught the words just before they left my mouth. "Uh, hi," I said instead. "Hey," he greeted, settling next to me on the dock, criss-cross applesauce. He looked about my age, and I've definitely seen him around Camp before, just never learned his name. He had sandy blond, curly hair and deep purple eyes. Freckles covered his face and arms. He wasn't overly tan, just the amount of tan to show he's spent the summer outside.

He twisted a bracelet nervously around his wrist. It looked a bit like vines twisted together. I caught myself staring and blushed, looking away quickly. 

He turned to look at me. "I'm Noah Williams," he said. "Luke Jackson," I said back. He smiled. "Nice to meet you Luke. I'm a son of Dionysus. We're on the same Capture the Flag Team."

"I'm a Legacy of--"

"Poseidon and Athena. Yeah, I know," he finished with a grin and I blushed again.

"You guys are legends. You do know Chiron teaches about your parents and their quests, right?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "You know, funny enough, my siblings and our friends and I, we created a Secret Society where we went on missions to get information because our parents hardly told us about anything. We would hold meetings, all formal and everything, and we'd share everything we found out."

Noah laughed. "That's adorable," he said.

"Yeah, Milo, he's my best friend, the two of us were the leaders, strictly because we were the oldest. Ariana was so worried about who was going to lead it when we came to Camp, but her and Sam figured it out."

"I still can't believe that you guys are children of The Seven. It's crazy to think about. So Milo is the son of..."

"Leo Valdez," I supplied. "And Calypso."

"And Sam too, right?" He asked. I nodded.

"And Ariana. She's your sister, right? I heard Poseidon himself showed up to Camp to giver her a Trident."

I sighed. "Yeah, that's her."

Noah gave me a look. "Jealous, are we?" He asked with a smirk.

"No. Just...well yeah I guess that's part of it."

"Well yeah, I can see why you'd be upset. Grandpa comes all the way to give her sister a super cool weapon. Doesn't even acknowledge you."

I hummed in response, not wanting to talk about it. Noah understood this and moved on.

"So what are you doing out here instead of the Dining Pavilion?" He asked instead.

"What're you?" I asked, returning the question. 

"I saw a super cute guy sitting out here, all lonely and everything, and I decided I'd come say hi."

My face went red. "You think I'm cute?" I asked with a tentative grin.

"Super," he said.

I grinned and looked down before I realized I should compliment him back, probably. 

"I think you're cute, too," I said. 

He grinned. "Thanks."

Over the next few weeks we started hanging out a lot more. Noah was a super interesting guy and I loved how awkward he got sometimes talking about himself. I was crushing hard.

Milo noticed right away that there was a someone. He wouldn't leave me alone about it for a full two days before I finally caved and told him everything. He was instantly all giddy and excited for us to get together he told me he shipped it a ton.

We were walking along the beach on July 1st(don't worry, I sent Jason a Happy Birthday text) when Noah grabbed my hand. I was not expecting it so I guess my face was a bit shocked because he laughed.

"I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go see the fireworks on the 4th? With me?" He asked.

"Like, a date?"

He bit his lip. "Yeah?"

I squeezed his hand. "I'd love to."

"Good," he said.

Three days later, we sat on the beach together, watching the fireworks. "My dad proposed to my mom on the 4th," I said. "Had Leo make a special firework for it." I said.

"That's awesome," He said. "I love fireworks."

"Yeah, me too."

We sat that way for awhile. I was watching the fireworks until I realized Noah was watching me.

He was biting his lip and once i was turned to face him, he pushed himself forward and kissed me. 

He kissed me.

I didn't know what to do at first so I just let it happen. He pulled away when I didn't respond to the kiss. We was about to apologize, but I stopped him by leaning forward and kissing him back.

When we broke apart, he was all smiles.

"So are we, like, boyfriends now?" He asked.

I couldn't help but giggle at how he phrased the question. "Yeah," I said. "We are."

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