Rescue Mission(Onety-Forty-Five)

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This chapter is a little ridiculous btw I had a fun time writing it.

Everything seemed normal in the Underwood household. On most days, it was. Granted, no one in the Underwood household was human, there were four satyrs and an dryad, but to each their own. 

Three of those satyrs were fourteen year old identical triplets. Most of the time they got along great, but another big percentage of that time, they annoyed the crap out of each other. And in turn, they annoyed the crap out of their parents as well.

It started as a normal day. Collin woke up early and waited as long as he could before walking up Trevor and Nathan by bleating loudly in their faces. Like most days, Nathan slept through the assault, because Nathan can sleep through anything. So, like most days, Trevor and Collin return roughly ten minutes later with a glass of water. 

Still Nathan sleeps. By the time Nathan finally wakes up, Grover has already gone to a council meetings. These meetings take place in the woods of Camp Half-Blood and different wilderness scenes around the counter about twice a week. 

Juniper, like most days, emerges from the bathroom freshly showered and grumbles at the three of them for being so loud. They've always thought it quite normal for their mother to have green skin, but apparently none of the other kids they knew could relate. Also, their dads weren't satyrs. 

Having hooves was cool in some situations, but mostly Juniper spent a lot of money on candles and air fresheners because their house always smelt like a barn.

Anyway, it was seemingly a normal day until it wasn't. 

Grover didn't come home from his council meeting when he was supposed to. Juniper got jittery pretty quickly, though she tried to put on a brave face for her boys. They were trying to stay calm and not worry, but they couldn't help themselves. Even after Trevor mentioned that he was probably just getting an enchilada, they couldn't shake their nerves. 

Finally, as the sun was setting, they received an Iris Message. It was another satyr on the Council of Cloven Elders that had called their mom, but they were all sitting in the living room so they got to see it, too.

"You must come quickly, Mr. Underwood is in danger! There has been an attack at the council meeting and angry nature spirits have taken Grover hostage and we've negotiated for two hours and they will not let up. Please send help."

"But I can't leave, my tree is here," Juniper said, clearly distressed for her husband's hostage-ness. 

"We'll go, Mom," Collin said, standing.

"Yeah, we're expert hostage negotiators," Trevor added.

"We'll save Dad," Nathan finished.

Juniper stood, swiping away the IM as she did so. "You boys will do no such thing. You can't put yourselves in danger!"

"Oh come on, it'll be like a quest! And Dad's been on so many quests with Uncle Percy, it's practically in our blood!" Nathan argued.

"Let's just go, she can't really stop us," Trevor whispered. 

"Good point, let's go," Collin whispered back and grabbed Nathan's arm, pulling him along behind him as they ran out of their house, their mom yelling at them to get back there or else!

"Okay, so where was the meeting held?" Collin asked because he had not thought that far ahead and realized they forgot to ask that other satyr guy from the council.

"Yellowstone National Park in Montana," Trevor helpfully supplied.

"That's conveniently where the Montana portal let's out," Nathan pointed out.

"Well let's go then!" Said Trevor.

So the three of them arrived at the park in Montana and used their expert satyr/nature tracking skills to find where the meeting was being held.

And it was a fiasco indeed. The nature spirits were practically throwing hands when they arrived. 

So of course the three master hostage negotiators got to work with negotiating with the spirits that were keeping their dad hostage and worked out a deal in record timing. The spirits gave their dad back and apologized and would've gone on their merry ways except they couldn't because they were nature spirits and they were stuck in a small amount of space. 

So it was the council and the reunited family that went on their merry ways. 

"I'm so proud of you boys," Grover praised as they went through the portal and started walking to their house in New Rome. 

The three satyr triplets were proud of themselves too because they made up that bit about being master hostage negotiators, so they were just glad that everything worked out.

And the Underwoods lived happily ever after.


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