Maria's First Boyfriend(Onety-Forty)

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Maria's POV

So, originally the rule was no boyfriends until I turned thirty-eight. I managed to convince my dads that that was a bit unreasonable, so they took the age limit down to twenty-five. I argued that they started dating when they were fourteen and fifteen, so we compromised and I wasn't aloud a boyfriend until sixteen. 

Well, the day has finally come. I just turned sixteen about a week ago and school has just started. I'm starting as a Junior in high school this year with Ariana and Sammy. I've of course had a crush on this guy for awhile and he'd asked me out before. I explained the 'rules' and we've been sort of dating in secret for months, but not officially. 

Of course, Will thought it was a little suspicious that I had acquired a boyfriend the second I turned sixteen, but he decided to let it go.

Anyway, let me tell you about my boyfriend. His name is Forest Taylor and he's a son of Demeter. His hair is short and brown and his eyes are a foggy green. I told him that they looked forest green one day without thinking and we ended up laughing about it for days. 

We met at Camp Half-Blood where we had been ogling each other from afar. Ari finally convinced me to talk to him at the beginning of summer and we became fast friends. Being children of Demeter and Aphrodite, we both often got overlooked and I guess we sort of bonded that way. 

He asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks later and I had a really hard time saying no because he was so flustered and nervous when he asked and I could tell he'd gotten some cheesy pick up lines from his friends.

It was nice having someone who didn't want to know me because I had famous friends and family but because he wanted to generally know me. He makes me feel special in my own way. Even though I don't have any special powers like my friends do, he still makes me feel like I'm the best part of his day.

It was one such day at school that we were sitting in the outdoor courtyard with our lunches as wind nymphs flew all around us. 

"You've got a little..." Forest said, pointing at the corner of his mouth. I blushed and grabbed my napkin. 

After a few moments of silence, I decided to bring up the topic that I was sort of dreading. "So, uh, my dads want to meet you," I said. 

Forest looked up from his cheetos. "Yeah, that would be cool."

"It would be?" I asked. I was a little put off by how casually he responded to meeting my parents. I was definitely not so thrilled to have my dads meet my first boyfriend. I know how protective they can be, they'd be all over asking him questions and embarrassing me. 

"Yeah. Cool. Oh wait, is it a big deal? I'm I being too nonchalant again?"

I laughed. "No, you're fine, I'm just nervous about it is all."


"Yeah, well I've never had a boy over to meet my dads before, so."

Forest nodded. "Yeah, I've never brought a girl to meet my dad, either. That reminds me, would you like to meet my dad? He's pretty chill."

"Oh, yeah sure. Your dad lives in Michigan, right?"

Forest nodded. "Yeah he farms there. He met Demeter that way, I assume. He's got a girlfriend now, but I've only met her twice since I live here year round."

I nodded along. "Yeah I'd love to meet your family. So I guess if you're free Saturday, my dads want to have you over for dinner."

Forest sat up a little straighter and flashed a smile. "It just so happens that I'm free on the evening of this very Saturday in question."

I grinned. "Great."


"This is why  we don't have people over," Nico stated blandly as we watched Will run around the kitchen trying to salvage the meal that was currently under durress. 

"I could use some help, you two," He called, pulling the smoking casserole out of the oven. "It's fine, it's fine," he muttered as he set it on the table. 

It looked a little burnt around the edges, but overall still delicious. 

Nico smiled fondly at Will and shook his head, heading into the kitchen to get the salad put together. I straightened my necklace over my dress and checked my hair in the reflection of the microwave and then went to set glasses on the table and make sure all four place settings had napkins. 

It wasn't long before the door bell rang. I felt my face go red and I hurried to answer the door before my dads could, because wouldn't that be a disaster. 

I swung the door open and forest was standing there with a nervous smile. His hair was combed and he was dressed up for the occasion. "These are for you," he said bashfully, handing me flowers. 

I smelled them, smiling. "Thank you. Come in," I said, leading him through the entry way and to the kitchen. 

"Dads, this is my boyfriend," I said, stepping aside to allow the introductions. 

"Forest Taylor," he said, shaking their hands. 



We sat at the table, Forest and I across from each other and Nico and Will at the heads of the table, and started eating. As I'd anticipated, Dad and Papa were asking all sorts of questions. I could tell they approved of him when the questions became more casual and conversational. 

The dinner was starting to seem like a successful evening and I was pretty happy that I wasn't feeling super embarrassed or awkward. 

When Forest finally did have to leave, the three of us got into our pajamas and finished cleaning up the kitchen before retiring to snuggling on the couch. 

"So?" I asked.

Nico hummed and held up his hand in a thumbs up. His eyes were closed and his head was leaning against Will's. 

I yawned and Dad nodded too. "You got yourself a good one, Bee. But he best know that come hell and high water, he better not hurt you or this one's gonna send a skeletal army after him," He said this while pointing at a mostly asleep Papa. He grunted in agreement. 

"I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight," I said, standing and stretching. 

"Goodnight. Love you, Bee."

"Love you too Dad."

"Mmm love you," Papa whispered, cracking his eyes open. I nodded and turned, heading to bed.

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