July 12th(Seven)

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Edited 8/5/18

Oh goodness. It's Annabeth's birthday today. We've been engaged for a week and already the wedding planning is in full swing.

We decided we wanted it to be on August 18th. Annabeth says it's so I won't forget our anniversary(I don't get that theory because I often forget my birthday) but I think it's so we can keep the anniversary date the same.

Annabeth and the girls are going wedding dress shopping tomorrow, so I'm not allowed to do that. I get to pick out the blue cake though. Score!

By I have the perfect gift for her birthday. I've been planning this for awhile now, but I just didn't know when it was going to work. Turns out it aligned perfectly with her birthday.

But since I've been spending every waking hour with Annabeth, I don't really have the time to get it ready, so the boys have been over there setting it up. I think they are there right now working on some finishing touches. The only reason I'm trusting his operation is because Grover is over there and I know I can trust Grover.

Also, we still have that empathy link so I can just tell him what I don't like about it.

Done Grover's voice rang through my head. It's beautiful Percy. You can bring her over now.

"Thanks, man," I answered.

"Okay, Annabeth. Time for some birthday surprises."

All I got in return was a look full of suspicion. I pecked her in the lips and led her to the car. She let me put the blind fold on her and we drove off to the really nice apartment building in the city.

Once there, I helped her out of the car. We got into the elevator in silence. Down the hall we went until we stopped at a door with the number 600. I unlocked it with the key. Our key.

I smiled and untied the blindfold. Annabeth gasped. "Percy!" She ran inside, taking in all of the furniture and the decorations. I have to admit, the guys did a good job. She tackled me with a hug.

"Is this our place?" She asked breathlessly. I nodded, not a care in the world but that smile on her face. Gods, she is so beautiful. The way her smile lights up the world. What did I ever do to deserve her?

After the grand tour, we hung out at a frozen yogurt joint and talked about wedding plans. It was mainly just Annabeth going on and on about decorations and me complaining. Good times.

I found myself gazing into her eyes. Gods she is beautiful. "What are you looking at, Seaweed Brain?" She asked. I took her small calloused hand in mine and kissed the ring on her finger.

We drove back to camp, deciding to move into the apartment after the wedding. It was late and as Annabeth lay asleep under the covers, I sat on the phone with the Aquatic Center in the city.

I was applying for a job there and I mentioned the degrees I have in Marine Biology. I was told to come in for a formal interview tomorrow and I agreed. After I picked out the cake I would head over there.

I put the phone away and crawled under the covers. Annabeth moved closer and I put my arm around her protectively. I ran my fingers through her hair for awhile and then kissed her forehead, finally able to fall asleep.

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