Wedding Day(Twelve)

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Edited 8/5/18

I watched from the side as the guys(minus Jason and I) partnered up with the bridesmaids. Chiron strutted down the aisle after the parents(minus Annabeth's dad) had been seated. Chiron stood on the low stage and waited.

I led Jason onto the stage from the side and stood where we practiced I was supposed to stand and then Thalia and Grover walked down the aisle. They parted ways and took their places on either side of Chiron.

Then came Hazel and Frank. And then Calypso and Leo. And finally Rachel and Tyson.

Then Bobby and Matthew made their way down the aisle, holding their ring pillows. A smile danced across my lips as Estelle skipped around and threw flower petals. When she got to where mom was sitting, she put one on her head. "For mommy," she said and sat down beside her. She looked at me and blew a kiss, so I blew one back and she giggled.

There was a change in the muses' music, so I turned my attention to the aisle again and my jaw dropped. Frederick held Annabeth's arm in the crook of his and they walked down the aisle together. Piper walked behind Annabeth and carried her train.

Annabeth looked absolutely stunning. The dress was amazing and her hair was done to perfection, and yes she was wearing makeup, but she looked so happy and just beautiful! The way her eyes sparkled in the sun made my skin tingle and I remembered why I was here.

She reached the end of the aisle and gave her dad a hug. I offered her my hand and she took it and stood across from me. She handed her bouquet to Piper who was grinning from ear to ear.

We turned to Chiron and he smiled in reassurance. "Welcome everyone and thank you for bearing witness to such a joyous celebration of the union of these two young people.

"Now, I've been a teacher here for a very long time, and I've seen many relationships blossom, but my, this is a very special one in deed. It started when they were twelve. It didn't take very long for them to become best friends. Percy here loved an adventure and would never back down from a challenge, even when the odds weren't in his favor. And Annabeth longed for a quest and for the chance to prove herself to be the best that she could be.

"They made for quite the perfect match and through thick and thin, have always stuck together. We are gathered here today, did they put something permanent!"

After a few readings, Chiron announced that it was time for the vows. Oh goodness. I told myself to just breathe. I got this.

I took her hands in mine and she looked into my eyes. I took reassurance from her and began to speak. "Annabeth, you have meant the entire world to me for a long time now. We both know that if the situation called for it, I would hold up the sky or even fall into hell again in a heartbeat for you. I love you more and more everyday and I'll never stop. You're beautiful and I love you so much. You told me once that you wanted to be an architect because you wanted to build something permanent. Well, I want to build something permanent with you."

Her eyes were watering and she smiled at me. Chiron turned to her for her vow. "Perseus Achilles Jackson, you would be dead a million times over without me."

That got laughs from the crowd. "But the same would go for me. You have been with me for so long and I know I can always count on you to have my back whenever I need you. You are undyingly loyal and that's one of the many things I love about you. You are and always will be my Seaweed Brain. I love you."

"Now the rings," Chiron announced. Jason handed me her ring and Piper handed Annabeth mine. I slipped the ring on Annabeth's finger and she slipped the other ring on mine.

Chiron smiled. "You may kiss the bride."

I rested my left hand on her waist and my right on the side of her face and pulled her forward. Our lips met and everyone cheered. We pulled away and she pulled a Kleenex out of her dress(wtf how'd that get there?!?) and wiped her watering eyes with it. Then she stuffed it back down there!

I caught my mom's eye and she just laughed at my baffled expression.

Annabeth laughed as well and called me a Seaweed Brain. And thus began the recessional.

The muses started playing again and Jason walked down the aisle alone. Then I had to go. Posiedon came and walked on my left arm and my mother on my right. Mom was crying and smiling at the same time.

I waited at the end for my lovely bride. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were coming down the aisle, and then Piper walked alone, and then the ring bearers. Estelle skipped down the aisle, and last but not least, Annabeth walked back down the aisle, with Frederick on her left arm and Athena on her right.

When she got to me, I offered her my hand, and we made our way to the dining pavilion. The sun was already setting and the guests were already there, but we took our time walking. Once we arrived, everyone started cheering again.

After some greetings, we cut the cake.

It had white icing and blue swirls on the sides with sea shells decorating the sides

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It had white icing and blue swirls on the sides with sea shells decorating the sides. If you looked close enough you could see that the blue swirls were actually owls.

When we took out the first slice, the cake was a solid blue and tasted amazing.

Then Piper gave her speech and so did Jason and we danced a lot(my feet hurt) and eventually, with fairly lights and moonlight and candles lighting the beautifully decorated dining pavilion, we retired to bed and slept. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. That's when we get on a plane and head to our honeymoon destination.

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