Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2

Monday; August 13, 2018

The sun rises displaying such a beautiful mansion, white wall stone purple. The front side is surrounded by bright grass, a fountain displaying in the middle. The road is to the side as you get closer to the house it's surrounded by concrete ground. The backside shows of a pool, the trees around the mansion giving a bit more shade to the area. Pots of flowers, flowers starting to grow by the tree next to the pool.

 Pots of flowers, flowers starting to grow by the tree next to the pool

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The birds chirp flying by the windows. Happily singing as the morning rises.

The smell of coffee fulfills the kitchen. Breads are being put onto the toaster machine as they turn to a stunning brown color as they are set onto a plate. Eggs being thrown onto the pan being perfectly cooked on both sides. Bacon drizzling in a different pan, spreading the oily aroma. The trays are taken to the dining area, plates being set amongst the breakfast in the middle. Jars of jelly on both sides, utensils being placed neatly onto the napkins next to the plates.

"Thank you Monica," the older woman dressed in a suite attire walks over sitting on her seat. Monica, her maid, serves her some coffee along with a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning mother," the young man kisses her cheek as he takes the seat next to her. He has gained a bit more weigh over the summer, been stressing over the company of his father, who left him in charge as he had to go do business elsewhere.

The young man let his stubble beard grow, his face was round, his hair has gotten to a dark brown color. His blue eyes were darker. He smiles taking a sip of his juice. He's been stressing more and more, since that friend of his father wasn't even around to help. Apparently, he had to travel, and Niall had to take charge on his own. He hasn't had time to apply to his classes or anything. He didn't want to let his father down. Hoping that at least, his father would appreciate his hard work even if it's not perfect.

"Is Rachel even up yet? She's going to be late for school," Mrs. Horan says as she wipes her mouth with a napkin in a neatly way.

"I would drop her off but I have to be at the office, I been in need of an assistant."

"I thought you had those interviews on Friday, you haven't picked one yet?" His mother raises her eyebrows as he then just shakes his head.

"It's not easy picking out an assistant that can really be used of a help, hopefully today is my lucky day," Niall gets up as he kisses his mother's cheek rushing out of the room as he bumps with his best friend Louis.

"Damn dude I thought you left without me," Louis laughs as he fixes his black tie. He's dressed in a black suit with a white shirt, nice polished shoes and black leathered belt around his waist holding his pants tight in place. He ruffles his hair a bit as he follows Niall out who's wearing a grey suit and black polished shoes. The shirt is black and has the first couple of buttons undone as a bit of chest hair is in display from his white skin.

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now