Chapter: 56

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Chapter: 56

Friday; February 26, 2021


I was happy to have woken up beside Harry, he looks so peaceful and beautiful sleeping. I frown suddenly remembering Edward. The times that I would always be with him and wake up in his arms.

I close my eyes letting out a deep breath. I should have known that I would be back with Harry at some point. I shouldn't have done anything with Edward.

But what can I do? That should stay in the past, I should forget about him. I don't love Edward, I love Harry.

"Morning," Harry's raspy voice startles me. I smile slyly as I sit up. I put on my shoes and fix my hair.

"Can I use your restroom?"

He chuckles nodding.

I wash up and stare at myself in the reflection. I grab some toothpaste putting it on my finger and apply it on my teeth as I then spit it out and finish up.

I walk out with Harry as soon as he did his morning routine as well. We make our way downstairs as I follow him to the kitchen where Anne is making scrambled eggs as a stack of pancakes are on a plate in the middle of the table. Edward looks up taken back by my sudden presence. He looks down and continues to eat.

"Take a seat sweetheart. I hope you slept well," Anne smiles at me.

"Uh no thank you. I should really get home," I tell her.

"You're not hungry love?" Harry frowns.

"Umm I'll eat at home, honestly. Thank you for letting me stay," I give Anne a hug then pull back.

"I'm going to drop her off, I'll be right back," Harry kisses her cheek.

"Take an apple at least. Don't go out with an empty stomach."

Harry chuckles grabbing an apple and takes my hand leading me out. I look behind my shoulder as Edward then looks over my way but quickly looks down as he holds to his fork tightly.

I stay silent on our way to my house. Harry walks me to the front door as he looks at me worriedly.

"Hey... it will be okay," he lifts up my chin giving me a reassuring smile. "You and your mum need to make up."

"Thank you Harry. I'm sorry I'm such a bother, it's just you're the only one I trust and the one that can help me forget my problems," I chuckle.

"It's okay. I like that you go to me," he smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Let me know how everything goes."

"I will," I smile pulling back. He kisses my cheek then walks back to his car. I let out a sigh before walking into the house.

I make my way to the kitchen where everyone is at as they all stop what they are doing to look at me.

"Well, look who decided to show up," my mom scoffs.

"Someone is in trouble," Casey smiles.

"You owe me an explanation," I glare at my mother.

"You get out of the house, then come back talking to your mother like that?" My grandpa furrows his eyebrows.

"Dad, we should let them talk," my uncle says.

"Victor there is nothing to talk about," my mom adds.

"Yes there is. My dad didn't abandon me, why did you lie?!"
"You told her?" My grandpa asks mom as he stares at me.

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