Chapter: 17

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Happy 8 years of One Direction!!! Omfg ima cry 😭😭 I miss the boys together. I love them so much, I'm so proud of all of them. Time goes by so fast, because of them I get my inspiration into writing. I love you all so much guys, because of them I know you all through here :) 

Here's a chapter 😘😘


Chapter: 17

Tuesday; September 11, 2018


"You called?"

I smile over at Claudia as she knocks before entering my office.

"Yes, come in sweetheart," I chuckle getting up as she closes the door. She slowly approaches me as I walk closer smiling down at her. "You're coming to my party right?"

"Umm I'm not sure Niall," she bites her lip as she looks down.

"Why not?" Frowning I question as I look at her. She looks up at me as I can't help but stare into those captivating eyes of hers. What am I saying?

Claudia is beautiful no doubt, I was hoping to go out with her not just as friends but as in a date. Get to figure out if something more can happen. I'm always smiling when I'm around her, always laughing at everything we talk about. Her smile melts my heart. Rachel is right though, I'm her boss. It's wrong. But who said we can't have a secret relationship? No one needs to know. Unfortunately for me, she has a boyfriend.

I didn't even know she was seeing someone, didn't think she would have a boyfriend at all. Not that she can't get one, she should be having so many guys falling on their knees for her. It was just a surprise for me, since in high school she was always the shy girl. She barely talked when I was around. That's what I liked about her from the start, her timid side. Somehow I was able to break her out of her shell. It's a progress of now.

I wasn't really sad when she admitted she has a boyfriend, I was just shocked. That's all. Yeah.

"It's just umm. I'm going out with my boyfriend."


"Umm, but I did tell you of my party beforehand," I furrow my eyebrows as I look down for a second then back at her as she smiles sadly.

"It's just that maybe it's not a good idea I go. You'll be with your friends, you don't need me," she chuckles as I just let out a sigh.

"Louis is your friend too Claud. And Savannah will be there, Rachel and Ash will be there obviously."

"I don't think Savannah is going."

"Why not?"


"What about Edward? I thought they were friends? Edward is with Ash and... oh shit. Don't tell me Edward is being an asshole and cheating on Ash? I'll beat his arse."
Claudia laughs as she shakes her head.

"He's not cheating on her, Savvy just feels awkward being around him that's all. And since Harry isn't here it's more awkward."

"It's Harry's fault for not being here."

"He's going to school," she chuckles smiling at me.

"Still," I laugh leaning back on my desk as I cross my arms against my chest. "Please come. It would mean the world to me."

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