Chapter: 15

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Cute chapter (:


Chapter: 15

Thursday; August 30, 2018


This past week has been hectic, loaded up with homework and loneliness. I haven't talked to my mom lately, she hasn't even called. I was going to go stay with her for the weekend but she wasn't home so I decided to just stay at the dorms.

Claudia is hardly in the dorm, I know she comes to sleep here sometimes because I get woken up with her arrival. She leaves early in the morning for her classes, I know today is her busiest day since after her three classes, she goes straight to the office with Niall.

Not sure why Niall gives her a lot of work, he knows she goes to school too. If she's not in class or work she has to be doing homework for the most part.

Rachel and Ash are busy too, since they have a lot of homework and been staying after school with extra activities.

I haven't talked to anyone else from high school, I haven't even seen Edward since last time he visited me at school.

Harry has been a complete mystery. I call him and he doesn't answer, I text him not a reply... I know he probably is busy but I'm not asking much for his time. Just five minutes. That's all I ask. What's five minutes out of your time, there's twenty-four hours in a day, you can't seriously be busy not to send a text message during an entire day. What stupid excuse can you have?

He's ignoring me that's what.

But why?

What did I do wrong?

If he doesn't want to be with me why not just say it? Why keep leading me on, thinking we are still boyfriend and girlfriend when he doesn't bother to even call!

Boys are stupid.

I get ready to go to class as I just sigh in frustration. I hate my life.

I see that Edward is online on Facebook, I send him a message;

Hey... I was wondering if you're doing anything today? –me

I grab my bag as I see the dots indicating he's typing. I frown as I wait.

No, why? –Edward

Wanna do something? My last class ends around 5:30 –me

Hmm sure. Want me to meet you at your dorms? –Edward

Yeah –me

Kk. I'll see you later Savvy –Edward

I grin as I make my way out of my dorm. I'm bored out of my mind and Edward was my only option left. He's just my friend.

A girl and a guy can be just friends right?


After class I make my way to my dorm as I see Edward seated by my door on the floor against the wall. He laughs as he pays attention to his phone.

I clear my throat walking closer as he then takes out an earplug and looks up smiling.

"Hey girl," he gets up as he looks at his phone typing something then pulls his earplugs out putting them inside his pocket as he grins at me. "Ready?"

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