Chapter: 31

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I was going to give you a marathon of like 12 chapter guys and I'm upset cause I couldn't since my internet was being shit towards me, it was so slow it would come back then leave. Like one moment I would have internet then the next I wouldn't. I lost motivation but I'm here trying to give you a couple of chapters. It was going to be awesome guys I was so happy I was going to give you so much :( stupid internet ugghhh.

Anyway here's a chapter :D I'm writing more so :)

There may be typos so I'm sorry in advance lol

That gif though 😛


Chapter: 31

Wednesday; December 5, 2018


I'm still upset with my father, I can't believe he is treating his own son like that. His own family. I went to a hotel and stayed the night there. I decided to come back today.

Knowing my father is at the office, I took this chance to go back.

My mom hugged me tight crying, saying how worried she was. Afraid something bad would have happened to me.

Rachel refused to go to school until I came back. Her hugs were tighter than mum's. We ate lunch together and just talked of other things, knowing that my father's situation was going to upset me.

Later I just hanged out with Rachel catching up with my little sister. We watched movies and played some video games. Then we just talked, she told me of this guy in school, how she's afraid to be his girlfriend knowing how every relationship doesn't last. It's okay if she's not ready but the thing is, you can't shut yourself out forever. Risks are part of life, you wouldn't know if this will be the one if you don't try.

"You're going to apologize to dad, right?"

I sigh frowning as she asks that.

"I'm not the one that needs to apologize Rache."

"I know but you know dad, he wants to be right always. Just please apologize so things go back to normal."

"Rachel, I'm not. He's the one that needs to apologize for not believing in his own son. He prefers Marcus, then fine. He's going to regret that."

"Heyyyy," we look over as Louis grins making his way inside. "Monica told me you were in here. Why didn't you go to school Rachel?"

"Cause I didn't feel like it?" She huffs crossing her arms against her chest.

Louis chuckles walking closer then grabs the chair from the desk as he sits on it backwards as his elbows lean on the back of the chair looking at us.

"Sorry Niall but there isn't much evidence, it's hard to check the rest of Marcus' stuff with him being around. If I get caught I'm dead and you know it."

"It's okay, umm how about on Sunday?"

"Isn't the office closed on Sunday?" Louis frowns and I just raise my eyebrows at him hoping he gets the hint. "Ohhh uh you want to go Sunday?"

"Duh. We have to go at night and search for that evidence."

"How are we going to get in? There are security cameras, alarms..."

"I know that," I roll my eyes then scratch the back of my neck thinking. "We have to break in somehow. I'll have everything planned out by then. Me and you will break into the office."

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now