Chapter: 77

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Chapter: 77

Sunday; March 21, 2021

-No Point of Views-

Gemma drives Anne to the hospital in silence. As they arrive, Anne rushes out and Gemma follows inside. They rush over to the floor Anne has been told where Harry and Edward are at.

Anne's heart rate increases as they get out of the elevator to the sixth floor. Walking over to the nurse behind the desk.

"What rooms are Harry and Edward Styles in?" Anne sniffles. The nurse gives her a sad smile.

"Anne you need to calm down, they are still in the emergency room. Take a seat, Doctor Reynolds will let you know when you can see them."

Anne nods as her hands shake, tears brimming out of her eyes. Gemma grabs to her arm leading her to the waiting room.

"Everything will be okay," Gemma tells her.

"I need to inform their friends," Anne chuckles taking out her own cellphone. She presses the phone against her ear as she lets out a heavy sigh.


"Ash, sweetheart. It's Anne," Anne smiles slyly.

"Oh! Hello, how are you doing?"

"I wish I was doing fantastic," Anne chuckles. "But you see, umm I'm at the hospital. Edward and Harry are in the emergency room," Anne lets out a sob.

"What?! What happened?!"

"I don't know, I haven't spoken to the doctor yet."

"We will be there! I'll let everyone know. Everything will be okay Anne, have faith."

Anne nods thanking her. She lets her know which hospital she's at as they both hang up.

Gemma went to get her some water as Anne thanks her taking a sip.

Minutes later, and everyone is there.

Ash goes to hug Anne as soon as they arrive. Ash arrived with Louis, Niall, Claudia, and Zayn since they were still hanging out at Niall's. Moments later and Liam and Alexa arrive along with Rachel and Aaron.

They all wait hours for any news. London rushes over as she walks over directly to Anne hugging her.

"How are they?" London pulls back looking at Anne scared and worried.

"It's taking forever and no one is telling us anything," Anne shrugs.

"Hey who's the brunette?" Zayn whispers to Niall. "Didn't notice her until now, I thought she was just some random girl in the crowd." He chuckles as Niall just rolls his eyes shaking his head.

The girls take their seats as Louis walks with Niall towards the vending machine as they get some snacks.

"This is crazy, both end up in the emergency room?" Niall sighs and eats some gummies as he stands by the wall. He stares ahead as Louis frowns and munches on his chips.

"It's not possible that they ended up beating each other for Savannah and ended up here right?" Louis wonders. Niall glares at him and punches his arm. "Oww."

"Stop saying bullshit. Come on let's go," Niall walks back to the waiting room with Louis following behind. "Here baby," he kisses Claudia's cheek as he hands her a bag of cookies.

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