Chapter: 68

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Song for this Chapter: Sweet Creature; Harry Styles

Chapter: 68

Thursday; March 11, 2021


I'm still not over the fact that Drake was such a jerk, that he was hurting my best friend. It frightened me to think he could actually do the same to me, or basically to anyone.

After class, I wasn't paying much attention as I was distracted with these thoughts. My arm is yanked to the side in between two buildings.

"What the—" My eyes widen staring at Drake who glares at me, fury in his eyes.

"Look what your little friend did to me," he points to his bruised up face.

"Isn't that exactly what you did to Claudia? How does that feel huh?" I spat and turn around but he yanks my arm pushing me against the brick wall making me wince.

"Don't get smart on me. I have had it with you always turning me down, but guess what? I will have my way," he smirks as he tries to unbutton my jeans.

"Let me go!!"

"Not until I'm done with you."

I push him back then kick him in the groin as I run out and gladly spot a security guard. Panting I make my way to him and explain everything. Just as Drake walks out looking for me, the guard grabs him asking him to go with him. Drake glares over at me.

"You will pay for this!! You and your friends!!"

I watch him in terror as he's taken away. My hands are shaking, but I make it to my car and drive off towards the one place that makes me feel safe.

I ring the doorbell desperately as soon as I get there.

"Anna?" Harry opens the door staring at me shocked. I say nothing and just jump in his arms hugging him tight crying. "Anna what's wrong baby?"

"Drake," I sniffle as he then leads me inside shutting the door. He looks at me confused as he lifts up my chin and wipes away my tears. He was glad to know that Niall gave Drake a taste of his own medicine because what he did was unacceptable and the most cowardly thing to do.

"What about him?"

"He tried to hurt me at school."


"I think he was going to rape me," I cry covering my mouth. Harry's jaw clenches as he tenses up. "But I got away and told a security guard there."

"He deserves to be in jail, Claudia needs to fucking say something. Look what happened to you now."

"I know," I sigh.

"We'll go together to the police station, I'll tell Niall."

I nod and hug him.

Harry ends up doing what he said he would do, and we go to the police station together. Claudia apologized even though it isn't her fault, she felt like it was. For not ending this sooner. But at least it is done, the police are going to arrest him. Niall had bandages over his fists for hurting Drake, he was questioned about it in which he responded it was self-defense. He could have gotten into so much trouble for it.

Gladly, the nightmare is over. I thank Claudia for being able to speak up, though things are going to lead to the court but we promised to be there for her. I had to give out my declaration as well for being a victim. After court, it will really be over, once we see him going behind bars.

We all go our separate ways and Harry lets me stay with him. Anne was there, and she made such delicious dinner that I couldn't say no to. Edward looked concerned as we explained to them everything that had happened.

He's always avoiding me, but he apologized for what I had gone through. He said he'll send flowers to Claudia.

"Pink roses are her favorite," I tell him as we continue to eat. He smiles nodding.

"Careful bro, Niall can punch you for sending his girl flowers," Harry laughs joking around.

Edward rolls his eyes with a smile as Anne then laughs.

"Niall is a good man, such a hard worker and so caring. Your friend Claudia is very beautiful and I can see why Niall is head over heels for her," Anne says.

"Yeah, she had the longest crush on him since high school. I'm glad he corresponds to her, and protects her," I smile.

"Niall is lucky, and so is my brother," Edward smiles as he looks at me sadly.

"You know... I always liked Ash for you," Harry adds. "You should try things with her again."

"I love her," Anne looks at Edward. "Don't be a fool. Ask her out."
"Ha," Edward smiles looking down sheepishly. "She hates my guts mum. And I don't blame her."

"She just wants to be your priority that's all," I tell him.

"Maybe. Who knows," he smiles wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Excuse me, I'm going to take a nap."

"You feeling alright?" Anne frowns.

"Yes, I'm perfect," he kisses the top of her head then smiles at us as he walks out.

"I should take Anna home," Harry says.

"You didn't try my carrot cake," Anne pouts.

"Harry there's no rush," I giggle and smile at Anne. We eat her delicious cake as she also gave me some more to take home. I give her a hug then follow Harry out.

He stops by my driveway as he looks over and kisses me. I hug him and stay like this for a while enjoying his warm embrace.

"I'm so glad that idiot didn't get to do more damage to you love."
"I know," I sigh pulling back and smile at him. "Let's hope that things turn into our favor."

"They will. Niall has the contacts babe," he chuckles. "He'll get the best lawyer to put that arse behind bars."

"True," I giggle and snuggle to him more. "Goodnight. And thank you. I always enjoy your company."

"I'll always be there for you, my Anna," he kisses my forehead. "I love you, take care okay? And don't doubt to call me if you need me. I don't care what time it is."

"Thanks Harry," I kiss his cheek then get out of the car.

I prepare myself for what is coming once I enter the house. 

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