Chapter: 34

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I'm dedicating this chapter to achhuu she's amazing she deserves a dedication and this chapter is in her point of view 😘😘


Chapter: 34

Monday; December 24, 2018


I woke up early so I can help with making the special breakfast for my brother since it's his birthday. I was excited because this used to be our thing, except mom isn't with us.

Rachel didn't want to wake up early to help. She loves her sleep too much. Niall did help me along with his mother and father. Mr. Horan and Niall were back in good terms ever since that misunderstanding at the office. Mr. Horan was very sorry for not believing in his own son.

Louis and Niall are working once again with him at the office.

I make my way upstairs with the cake I made, as Niall follows with the tray of breakfast. We slowly walk into Louis' room and start singing happy birthday.

"Damn... isn't it too early?" Louis groans as he gets up with his hair all over the place. He squints his eyes with a smile sitting up.

We ignore his comment finishing in singing for him as Mr. Horan lights up the candle number 19 as Louis blows up the candle and we all applaud.

"Bite on the cake mate!" Niall laughs.

Louis scoffs.

"I haven't even brushed my teeth."

"It's your cake we will have a different one later," I comment with a giggle.

"Eh what the heck," he laughs taking a bite as Niall hurries to dump his whole face into the cake. We all laugh as Louis scoffs.


"Hey you did that to me remember?" Niall smirks.

"Today is a big day, happy birthday Louis," Mrs. Horan smiles. Both her and her husband leave the room as Louis rushes to the washroom to clean up.

I laugh as Niall and I both wait for him. As he makes his way back, he sits in between us and starts eating his breakfast.

"What's so special about my birthday?" He says with a mouthful of bread.

"Aren't you forgetting it's also Christmas Eve?" Niall laughs.

"You're sharing your birthday bro," I giggle as he just rolls his eyes.


Throughout the day, everyone was preparing for yet, another party. I furrow my eyebrows as I catch Rachel arguing with Rick.

"He's a jerk Rachel, he's only using you. You did the right thing in not accepting him," he tells her.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are to tell me this? You have no right to decide who I should date or not," Rachel scoffs glaring at him. I rush over before things get worst as they always turn out to be knowing Rache.

"Whoa whoa, what's going on?" I laugh wrapping my arm around her.

"This idiot that's what," she adds.

"I was just giving out my opinion miss that's all," he says politely.

"Are you going to join us or you have family to get to?" I smile at him.

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